[color=DarkCyan][b]Location:[/b] In-route to Space Station Colistis. [b]Date:[/b] Year 2557 [b]Universal Time:[/b] 10:53[/color] The Pelican ride seemed to be quiet for the most part except the quiet chatter between the two pilots and the low hum of the engines. In the very back, on the left-most side sat Koda completely outfitted in his armor, he was in the process of going over the message that he had received from ONI, glancing over briefly he looked at his cybernetic arm which was fitted to look similar to his armor in both color and design, and had ports where his the armor pieces could be attached and unattached if need be. Standing from his seat he made his way up to the cockpit of the ship and looked out towards the space station that was getting ever so closer, the dim hull lights reflecting off his skulled visor made him look quite eerie as he tapped the co-pilot on the shoulder then pointed towards the station. "Yes sir that's it, we'll be landing soon and we'll get you as close as we can to your destination" the co-pilot said and was given a thumbs up by Koda in response as the Spartan turned on his heels and headed back to his seat. "UNSC Space Station Colistis this is Foxtrot 728 requesting permission to land in Pelican bay A33" he heard the pilot call out as he sat down. [i]"Copy Foxtrot 728, Permission granted, Colistis out"[/i]. Soon after the Pelican began to slow it's speed and start its approach into the Pelican bay, as it did Koda looked from his seat and out thought the cockpit window as the heavy blast-doors opened slowly, the lights from inside the station shined brightly though the window and illuminated the back of the interior of the pelican slightly. Is was not long before the Pelican was in the station and Koda heard the blast-doors closing once more before the ramp of the pelican opened, standing Koda reached up and grabbed a hold of the handle rack above him as he ship began to land, reaching down he grabbed the holopad from the seat beside him and stepped off the ship as it set down. [color=DarkCyan][b]Location:[/b] Space Station Colistis. [b]Date:[/b] Year 2557 [b]Universal Time:[/b] 11:18[/color] Walking away from the pelican Koda immediately noticed Charon-class light frigate with the name 'Nova' along the side '[color=DarkCyan]That must be it...[/color]' he thought as he walked down the pathway towards the lift that would lead up to the main docking platform. Once on the lift he pressed the button and it stated to rise, his mind wandered slightly as to what the rest of squad had been up to and if that had gotten into as much trouble as he had. The lift shook as it reached the top snapping Koda back into reality and soon he was back on his way towards the Nova,stepping into the airlock Koda was greeted by two heavily geared guards who informed him of where to go after opening the doors for him. Upon setting foot onto the ship the large Spartan was greeted by the ships AI unit "[i]Welcome Major Omicron, I'm Nesalla, Colonel Icarus's personal AI assistant aboard the ship. Colonel Icarus and Striker Commander Andromedai are currently awaiting your arrival upon the deck of the ship. Please make your way there, and if you need any assistance please don't be shy to ask.[/i]" Koda nodded in response and immediately headed for the main deck, following the illuminated signs made it easy for Koda to get to the main deck, it was a lot easier to navigate the the science station he was assigned to previously. Walking onto the main deck he saw Colonel Icarus and his Striker Commander Andromedai, stopping a few feet away from them he stood at attention and saluted using his cybernetic arm "[color=DarkCyan]Pouncer, reporting for duty[/color]"