[h3][center][color=#BD3EC2]N[/color][color=#B344C2]o[/color][color=#AA4BC2]x[/color] [color=#9759C3]A[/color][color=#8E60C4]l[/color][color=#8467C4]i[/color][color=#7B6EC5]g[/color][color=#7275C5]n[/color][color=#687CC6]m[/color][color=#5F83C6]e[/color][color=#5589C7]n[/color][color=#5F83C6]t[/color] [color=#7275C5]C[/color][color=#7B6EC5]e[/color][color=#8467C4]r[/color][color=#8E60C4]e[/color][color=#9759C3]m[/color][color=#A052C3]o[/color][color=#AA4BC2]n[/color][color=#B344C2]y[/color][/center][/h3] [sub][@Rtron],[@Lucius Cypher], [@May], & [@Luna][/sub] [center] [u]WALK CRAWLER[/u][/center] The crawler paused and looked down, her eight eyes stared intently at the vampire. Colette was covered in layers upon layers of white, sticky thread and with each movement she became entangled more. They clung to her then seemed to cut into like thin blades, creating small sparks of pain across her surface. Thankfully no blood had been drawn. When Helena scrambled upright, the sound echoed off the walls causing the beast’s head to whip up and acknowledge her. She lets out an ear piercing screech at Helena which ends in a death rattling sound. Her front lowers defensively and hind legs curl backwards, ready to push forward. Just when the crawler is about to, Annabeth’s voice rang out. [color=a187be] "Get away from Colette you wretched monster!"[/color] Whoosh and followed by a thunk! The first arrow misses easily as the crawler jerked back, her legs pulled back and she smacked into the nearest wall. It flies on by then nicks Helena’s hair before passing through Althalus’ torso and down the long hallway. The second one soundly lands into the spiderish torso drawing thick, black blood. The crawler lets out a blood curdling screech. Her back legs stretch to use her [b]wall climbing[/b] ability to scale the wall’s side. She hissed for a third time and gradually attempts to climb to the roof.