[hider=Kyle Lucidius] [center][img]https://maritimerisk.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/rudyreyesultimatesurvivalalaska.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kyle Lucidius [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]Kyle stands at five feet eleven inches and weighs approximately 170 pounds. He has a beard which he keeps trimmed neatly and short, brown hair. He has no visible scars on his face, but his torso is marred with them. From bullet holes to slashes to burns, a chronicle of his past horrors detailed on his body.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Kyle is, for all intents and purposes, a loner. He is quiet most of the time but when he speaks, his tone is even and does not betray emotion. He is of incredible constitution, both mentally and physically, and one of the reasons why he was chosen for his particular occupation. He harbors no ill will towards those that are Touched but this does not mean that they do not haunt him. When alone, he relives every murder.[/i] [b]Background:[/b] [i]Born into a world that fears what it doesn't understand, Kyle was raised with fear and suspicion. His parents instilled this distrust in him at an early age as it was law to report any suspicious persons who may have been Touched. For this reason Kyle did not make many friends while he was growing up, preferring instead the company of long-dead poets and authors. In an attempt to escape his condemned life, he joined the military and in his naivety, hoped to understand the world. This eventually led to his recruitment into their special forces where he learned many things from marksmanship to stealth but most importantly, he learned how to disconnect from killing. After he completed his tour of duty, he had no prospects in the civilian sector. His skills were not something many employers wanted. One decision when he was younger marked him for the rest of his life as nothing more than a trigger man so that is what he became. Enlisting into the services of a private organization, charged with the contract of finding, detaining, or eliminating the Touched, this has been his life for the past year. It wasn't with some irony that he himself would begin to manifest his own powers. Whether they were latent within him from birth or the fates deciding to punish him for his chosen life he did not know. However, his greatest challenge laid ahead. He will eventually be hunted himself and those that he hunted in the past will soon become his allies... or worse.[/i] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*]Telekinesis [*]Pyrokinesis [*]Psychometry [/list] [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [list] [*]Ka-Bar Military Knife [*]SRSA1 Stealth Recon Scout Sniper Rifle [*]Springfield XD-S 4" .45ACP [/list] [/hider]