Desperately straining his vocal cords in order to respond, Leander made a weird choking noise and was suddenly caught in a furious coughing fit. It tore through his body in waves and his sight started to darken in the edges. The newcomer immediately rushed to his side, alarmed, and supported him around his shoulders and waist. It seemed to last infinitely, but the burning sensation left his system suddenly, when something small and shiny flew through the air and landed in the grass nearby. The stranger made sure Leander was okay and got down to one knee to examine what seemed to be a tiny sapphire reflecting sunlight from every facet of its surface. He mumbled something to himself, plundering in his pockets. Leander stretched out his neck to see the miracle, too, but dizzy as he was, he lost balance again and fell on top of the Doctor, who let out a groan of pain. "I'm so sorry, sir!" Leander bemusedly exclaimed, quickly rolling off the collapsed man's back and clasping his hands over his own mouth at the same time. He could speak again! "Sir, my name is Leander," he breathlessly said as he helped his saviour up in turn. "I do not have the slightest idea what's happening, nor do I know why I'm able to talk right now or why I haven't fled already, but I'm very grateful to you. Thank you - you probably just saved my life." As a cultivated young gentleman, he straightened up and saluted the man.