[h3]*WITHDRAWN*[/h3] [hider=Sakiya Tellonia] Name: Sakiya Tellonia Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/ac6e/f/2012/268/4/b/pretty_anime_girl__by_sasukexsariya-d5fvo4m.png[/img] Personality: Sakiya is a very imaginative girl, she’s a very creative person and generally very soft hearted and gentle. She’s a bit shy and afraid of being out in the spotlight and she would much rather prefer someone else to be out there than herself. If she loves or cares for something she makes sure that they’re safe and sound at all times as well as making sure that if they're in a troubled spot in their lives they will always have her to lean upon and to rely on for support and kindness. She can also be quite hot tempered when she sees people being mean or unkind and can be quite the sarcastic bomb when she is. Background: Sakiya was born to a caring family (Her mom is Japanese while her dad is an Italian-American) She excelled at school, getting As every year and is a great daughter as well as sister to her younger brothers at home, she gives them a mature person to follow and even though she rarely plays with them she helps whenever she can. She has a very close relationship with her grandmother who teaches her many a smart thing and she looks up to her as a role model. She excels in many things but prefers to keep in the dark, letting others take the spot light. Her mom and dad never really bother with her that much when she was older and even though they remained sweet and nurturing they always paid attention her 3 younger siblings which to an extent she understands but sometimes she just wants someone to pay attention to her and she wants them to know that even though she hides in the shadows most of the time maybe she just also wants a friend. When she’s around someone who she cares for she can be quite protective and she always wants the best for them even if that means the worst for her, in that way many people love her but she just doesn’t know it. Quirk: Mutant class - Can walk and travel between flat surfaces easily (such as jumping from one vertical wall to another, walking upside down.) This works through shoes as well but only on her feet, almost like defying gravity. When she jumps it is a fast movement to the other wall where if she concentrates her feet can latch onto the surface (note: if you read Naruto you can compare this to the exercise the ninja's do) She doesn't know what causes this ability but she figured it out as well as learned how to use it when she was 11 when she was playing a game of hide and seek with her younger siblings and one of them was heading straight for her so she though about going up the ceiling and jumped when she saw him getting closer out of surprise and voila she's standing upside down on the ceiling, though she gets startled and instantly drops back down. She finds it fun for traveling purposes but will soon learn to use this for her own advantage. Talents: As always as she is creative she loves drawing, writing, poetry, music…you name it. She also likes to sing and can play the flute quite well too. [/hider]