[hr][hr][center][h1][color=dodgerblue]Sean Mason[/color][/h1] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/b265aa8a28feaff4c8b2a6e5396428c3/tumblr_nb6zimNwjY1thdt2oo1_500.gif[/img] [color=dodgerblue][b]Location:[/b] The Lake[/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=dodgerblue]It looks like I'm visiting the camp again. I'm late, Am I? Urgh, Whatever. At least I got to spend my few days time before returning to camp. I looked at the whoever is guarding the Camp. It's a dragon. I don't remember who it is but looks like he knows me because he don't pay attention to me. With a huge sigh, I walked to the camp. I hurriedly went to my Cabin 3. Being the Son of Poseidon is a real gift when you dream of to be a demigod. You control the waters, which in my opinion, is amazing. Thank Gods and Thank Poseidon for this. [i]Thank you Father...[/i] I silently prayed. Before going to Chiron, I went to the lake first, Waiting for someone to notice my existence. Looking at the lake is good. I felt some kind of power released on my body because.. Well... I suddenly increased the waves. I smirked and calmed myself. Ah, Power, tastes better when you have it. I sighed and sat on the lake. Being the Son of the Sea God is no problem when you want to sit on the lake without getting wet. So I sat. Enjoying myself as I swam through the lake.[/color]