Ivy leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath realizing she was being unfair and that the three are the right picks for this job, she laced her fingers under her chin listening to the plans that were being weaved but the creeping feeling that one could be a double agent was in the back of her mind "I may be a bitch sometimes...but i will always admit it when it happens, this is your three's op...I will stay out of it unless I need a update closer to launch, if you need anything my office is open....you three can prepare with your teams..." Ivy pushed away her glass of bourbon in a subtle motion and picked up some files that were on her desk. -------------- Kimberly sat in front of Ivy's office taking phone calls,doing some paper work and munching on a container of strawberries she always had on her desk, when she would get a feeling of being watched every once in a while, it was just when she looked around no one was being obvious in their looking...but everyone was a spy in some way so covert was some peoples game, so she went back to her work.