[center][h2][color=OliveDrab]Tobit Broflovski[/color][/h2][/center][center][url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=211511810]outfit[/url][/center] The rest of Toby's day was rough, but uneventful. He managed to get through the whole class schedule without a serious attack, but he was still coughing and wheezing by the time he left to walk home. It dawned on him that he had absolutely nothing to do for the entire weekend. That was disheartening, to say the least. It wasn't like he'd expected to be really popular or anything, but he always hated having to stay at home with his drunk aunt. Speaking of which, when he got back to his apartment and rang the doorbell, nobody came to the door. His dad was still at work he knew, and his aunt was probably passed out on the couch as usual, but usually his mother was there to get the door. Most kids had keys to let themselves in, but Toby had lost his a while ago and they couldn't afford to cut him a new one. He sighed heavily, walking back outside and deciding to pace around the neighborhood for a few hours before his dad came home. Maybe he'd take a walk down to one of the nicer parts of town... his neighborhood was a slum, after all. It probably wasn't even that safe to be walking around there, especially as someone who looked like a ten year old kid. He bit into his lower lip, leaving the apartment building and walking down Chevalle street, his hands in the pockets of his old ripped jeans.