[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=silver]Alexis Hunter[/color][/h1] [img] http://cdn02.cdn.justjaredjr.com/wp-content/uploads/headlines/2014/03/crystal-reed-why-left-teen-wolf.jpg[/img] Location: Powerbound Academy - Auditorium Interacting With: [@Nallore] April Brooks and [@AbandonedInte] Powerbound Staff [/center] [hr][hr] Everything started well for Alexis. She woke up, sunlight was entering through the windows and it was quickly blocked by some of Alexis's shadows when she realized that this will be the last day, she'll be couped up in that appartament. She's going to school ! No more house arrest. Maybe that will provide her with a way to escape the STC, once and for all. She quickly dressed in everything black she could find and covered her face, no one had to know how she looks like. Most people still don't. People that she worked with. People that she later betrayed and killed. Alexis, as she always did in the morning, started practicing her shadow power. There was no need for the rash to appear in the first few minutes she would be conscious. It always happened like that when she woke up, if she didn't use her powers...then the rash would appear. If she used it too much, the rash would appear anyway. Life is hard enough without having a noose around your neck. *a few hours later* Alexis arrived at Powerbound Academy. She looked arround and smirked. "[color=silver]Fuck...another day in paradise. Children and all that...[/color]" said Alexis loud enough for anyone nearby to hear her. As soon as she went towards the Orientation thing, people started looking at her. She was the only one there, from what she saw, that hid her face from everyone. She turned at a student that was staring at her and said in a wrathful voice "[color=silver]WHAT ?![/color]". The student clearly shocked backed away and soon people started avoiding to stare at her. Soon enough, a lady was at the entrance and asked Alexis her name and power. Alexis grinned and with a small "shadow" tendril, picked up the pen and used it to write her name down. "[color=silver]It doesn't matter. [/color]" she said as she entered the presentation hall. Alexis almost chocked on laught when the Headmaster talked and didn't stop 'till he finally asked if anyone has question. She rose up and asked in a clear immitation of the Headmaster's voice "[color=silver]Grandpa, when am I allowed to leave your pitiful excuse of college and get back to my old life ? I liked it better.[/color]".