[center][b][color=8493ca][h3][i]Anastasia Hashiga[/i][/h3][/color][/b][/center] [center][img]http://www.creativefieldrecording.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/2013-06-26-Hero.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3]Location: Hoffand Park Time: 2:50 A.M.[/h3][/center] [hr] A lone blonde woman was walking along the path that went throughout the park early in the morning. It was still dark and peacefully quiet, giving her time to think as she traveled along the trail. No children insanely running around and being the young lunatics that they were. No screaming taxi drivers, groups of friends, arguing couples. It was completely silent other than the occasional rustle of bushes and leaves skidding across the ground. Anastasia enjoyed this time where the city was quiet. The time where everybody rested and the night owls roamed to have their peace. The air was a nice cool temperature, the woman only having a thin navy jacket, black jeans, and fluffy boots to keep her warm. She enjoyed the weather at this time, wishing that time didn't pass and it could stay that way forever. Her mind would fade blank as she took her slow but long strides along the park path. Walking this way many times before, Anastasia didn't have to look up from her boots as she walked. Her feet guided her way through the area as she began to question herself. Thinking about the world they were in, and why it couldn't be as peaceful as it was now. [i][color=8493ca]I wonder if anyone will find out.[/color][/i] No, none of the people should know by now. It was only just beginning and she never used [i]'it'[/i] around anybody. [i][color=8493ca]Maybe there's cameras that detect 'them'. What if there's technology that can find those people?[/color][/i] There can't be. If there were devices that could hunt down [i]'them'[/i], people wouldn't be paid to find them. [i][color=8493ca]What if somebody is here right now for me?[/color][/i] This thought made Anastasia quickly stop on her tracks, looking around to her surroundings. An empty bench was nearby with a few lights to keep the pathway bright. It was a comfortable place to take a rest on and tempted her to go over. It was almost three. People might be waking up and begin wandering soon. She could either get back to her motel room nearby or take the last few moments resting in that peaceful area. It gave her a lonely feeling. Sitting there alone on that bench with nobody beside her. But the cityfolk were also crazies, causing fights between their own kind even if they're on the same side of society. She didn't want to sit with some stranger that could be a murderer. Although the thoughts may have been bugging her, she decided to sit down on the bench anyway. Her thighs pressed together slightly in the cold shadows as her hands moved towards her hood, pulling it over her face and darkening the view.