Name- Toby Skinner. Age- 21. Gender- So Male, it hurts. Screen Name- PIX3L Appearance- [img][/img] Personality- Fast-paced, Determined, Fun, Obedient. History- Toby had a rocky childhood. Put into the adoption system at the age of 9 due to being pulled out of an extremely abusing household. As he was going through these different homes, he began to gravitate towards technology. Using it as a hobby to rely on. When he turned 16, he learned about DedSec and became extremely interested in them. Constantly researching them and learning all he could, he decided to begin doing what they did. Making a change through hacking. So he started with small, easy stuff, social media accounts, emails, the occasional tv. His Key Hack, however, was the biggest thing he ever did. He hacked got his way into the Blizzard and Activation online servers and had them down for three whole weeks, which rose some outcry from the gaming community. He was set. Then he went to his humble abode and say the card in his mailbox. He was ecstatic, he couldn't contain his excitement. Now that he was noticed by the biggest hacking society, he had a reason and a purpose. So the next day, he booked a ticket to London. Special Melee Weapon- [img][/img] Specialty- Distraction. Theme Song- Pretender by the Foo Fighters. Other- Great at causing distractions and rallying attention. (Can that be my specialty?)