Oh, Kurt hoped he read the letter right. Green container? What the hell was that supposed to mean? He didn't know, nor did he care that much. He just wanted to be on this new team. He would show those heroes what this shark was made of. Taking a sip from his water bottle, he stared up at the guards in disgust. If he was joining a group of villains, why would these guys need to be here? He shook his head and lower his face into his grey scarf, eyes twinkling like blood in the moonlight. He moved towards them warily. "Uh, excuse me sirs?" They snapped their attention towards them. "Ah, yes, well-" Before he got another word out, the gate was opened. He hid his smirk with his scarf. Bingo. He tried to look nervous as he walked ahead, but really he was excited. If he wasn't the only one to get invited, then who else would he see? The thought of his new group mates excited him greatly. A new adventure awaited him ahead. He walked inside cautiously, eyes scanning his surroundings. At the sight of the make, he put on his usual mask and smiled. "Uh, hello!" He quickly walked up towards him, eyes gleaming with real excitement. "You must also be on the new team. I'm Kurt. What's your name? Do you have an interesting Quirk?" After the questions, he took a large gulp of water.