Vert found herself near the ship yard. She was staring at the guards licking her lips. "I would love to eat them, but it seems that there is too much security. I haven't been at this game for so long by being careless." Vert said to herself before find the the blind spot in the security. There was a rather awful smell coming from her bag. As she approached the green cargo container she took what looked to be raw meat of some kind from her bag. "Man I'm starving, whoever called me here better offer me some more meat. I don't think this will be enough." Vert said as her tongue wrapped around the piece of meat then shot it into her mother as she chewed it then swallowed. She wasn't shy about showing off her quirk that was for sure. "You know, It's been awhile since I last had fish, maybe I should consider some shark tonight." Vert said with a smile as she walked up to the two already there. Her sharp teeth glinting as she showed them off. "Although, I hear they have dolphin around here too, I wonder which tastes better." Vert said as she licked her lips.