[hider=Sayuri Takashi][center] [img]http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CqK_uAiUEAEnj7g.jpg:small[/img] Except she has waist length hair usually tied in a low thing ponytail. She's about 5'6” [b]Name:[/b] Sayuri Takashi [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Sayuri is carefree and laid back rarely taking anything seriously no matter the situation. She is also more than willing to talk to or help someone out though she will rarely go out of her way to do so. Despite this it takes a lot of effort on someones part in order for her to consider them her friend and once someone betrays her it is nearly impossible to regain her trust. [b]Background:[/b] Sayuri had a mostly normal early childhood with her single mother. They never had too much money but they lived well enough and her mother never treated her poorly. Things changed a little bit when she turned 4 and her Quirk first appeared. The first time she used her quirk saying her mom freaked would be an understatement. Her mom sent her over to a family friends house for the a week. Didn't call or even try to talk to her for the whole time. When she finally got back It almost seemed like nothing had changed. Her mom was slightly stricter with her and quicker to punish but other than that it was normal. A few years later She finally learned why when one of her moms friends explained that she'd inherited her quirk from her father a man her mom despised. He'd been a villain that used her as cover for a year and a half then left without warning. While her life was never as happy as it had been before with her mom it wasn't bad. Sayuri decided to become a Hero in order to find and catch her father. In order to do this Sayuri started taking fighting and sword lessons from a local dojo in addition to practicing her Quirk to better master it. When she was old enough she decided to attend Kosei Academy because it was close and aa place that one of her moms friends recommended as her own kid had enjoyed their time there. [b]Quirk:[/b] Metal Heart Emitter Type Her ability has two major components. Manipulate and Increase. They both work exactly how you think they would. Increase allows her to increase the size of any metal she is in contact with without sacrificing it's integrity. The effect only stays active as long as she is in direct contact with the metal however. Manipulation allows her to shape any metal she's in contact with to any shape. This is a permanent change as it will retain it's new shape even when she lets go of the metal. If she uses both abilities on a piece on metal then lets go of it it will return to it's normal mass but in whatever shape she changed it to. The amount she can Increase at the moment depends on the size of the original piece. The smaller the piece the less she can make the larger the piece the more. [b]Talents:[/b] -She is skilled in both hand-to-hand combat and swordplay. -Surprisingly she is an amazing cook having to had to cook for both her and her mom since she was young.[/CENTER][/hider]