I'm half excited for the christmas season. I mean, I've always liked how it felt for some reason, maybe because my best memories with my mom were during that time. At the same time, I'm a tad jaded by my job, and I hate how much freight we start getting around this time. I mean, seriously, who needs this many pairs of yoga pants from Lululemon in NOVEMBER. And is it just me, or did the cast of the Jersey Shore chose them as official wear or something because soooooooo much Lululemon and Tommy Bahama go to New Jersey right now! *ahem* Sorry, I digress. Basically, work gets harder from this week onward, but I guess there's a reason you're considered a veteran with the company after you've survived your first peak season (this is my third peak!). I'm also reminded of the year I went to visit Shoryu and spent Christmas and New Years with him. It was a really great month, I loved it a lot and every day I wish I could be back there. I hadn't felt so alive until then. The fact that I'm not there now bums me out. But yeah, I know not everyone loves the Christmas season. But hey, at least we Americans don't get thrown into it completely until after Thanksgiving! In Australia, it seems the hype starts after halloween! xD