[center][img]http://www.mmo-town.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/soldier76-profile-icon.png[/img] [h2][color=525d9b][b]Commander Morrison[/b][/color][/h2][/center] As the Commander searches around for any questions, the eagar Flashover asks about what their mission will be. Lux responded that he should be patient. The rest were mostly comments about their own teammates. Everyone seemed to be in agreement, though some cautious tones were placed upon the Tickling Hero, but with rather "reasonable" reasons. After around thirty seconds, Morrison brings his hand up, with the other advisors telling the new recruits to be quiet and listen. As soon as everyone quieted down, he begins to speak again. [color=525d9b][b]"Now,"[/b][/color] he says confidently, [color=525d9b][b]"Onto the mission briefing. After all, you guys aren't here just to be placed into teams and not get to do anything right?"[/b][/color] Robin chuckles slightly at that response, but not in a way to disturb the entire room. [color=525d9b][b]"Anyways,"[/b][/color] continues Morrison, [color=525d9b][b]"Your mission is this..."[/b][/color] Mercy, with the controller, presses a button which reveals a holographic map of what appeared to be a train station of sorts, with two white lines being rather parallel to one another. [color=525d9b][b]"Two freight trains are going to leave from Leningrad Station up to Moscow's Station. In both trains, lie two artifacts that will be presented in the Kremlin Armory. In train R-105A, it carries armor from one of our old members, made of pure titanium alloy, being almost unbreakable. In train B-390, it carries an arm cannon that can blast a beam so strong it could level a skyscraper. Your mission is to simply board one of the trains and escort them on their way to the station. One in train R and the other in train B. Reasons why is with rumors going around that Talon may try and intercept the train in an attempt to steal the artifacts. We cannot let them get into their hands. You'll also be supervised with one of our very own in person, but only in this mission. One of you will be assisted by Zarya, and the other, McCree. Any questions so far?"[/b][/color] Robin was the first to ask a question. [b][color=ed1c24]"Well... before we get into anything else... uh, how are we going to get there? You do realize Russia is like across the~"[/color][/b] [color=525d9b][b]"Symmetra's teleporters will transport you there."[/b][/color] answers Morrison swiftly, [color=525d9b][b]"We had permission from the station to have them set up there ahead of time. You will be teleported by the station in which the trains will leave."[/b][/color] He then looks around the room amongst the recruits. [color=525d9b][b]"Any other questions?"[/b][/color] [hr] [center][img]http://www.mmo-town.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/reaper-profile-icon.png[/img] [h2][b][color=black]Reaper[/color] Talon Headquarters: Control Center 03[/b][/h2][/center] The clock hits 9:45. Reaper looks in the reflection of the window to see who has arrived. Looks like everyone has arrived on time. Good. With that, he slowly turns to face the elite forces that stand across from him. He takes a quick second to inspect everyone within the room. [b][color=black]"All right..."[/color][/b] he says with a hiss, [b][color=black]"Everyone listen up. You all have a job to do today. One of up most importance."[/color][/b] He signals one of the workers in which he presses a button on his panel, revealing a table coming straight from the ground. Reaper approaches it and presses a side button, revealing a holographic map, very similar to that of what Overwatch is using. [b][color=black]"These two trains are going to leave Leningrad station to Moscow in only ten minutes. And each train carries an artifact somewhere in the freight holds. We need to steal them. In train R-105A, it carries a strong set of armor used by one of the old members of Overwatch. It is said to be near inbreakable, which can be a valuable asset if we can get our hands on it. In train B-390, it carries a powerful arm cannon that can be used to level a skyscraper. Think of the Doomfist, but in an average laser cannon. Overwatch will most likely send some task force to help protect the artifacts, so prepare for some resistance. Their destination is the Kremlin Armory and we must not let this opportunity to retrieve some new gear pass our way. It will pass this route fifteen minutes from now, at 10 AM exact, so prepare and get to the stealth copters, where they will drop you all down. Half of you to train R, and half to train B. Any questions that must be answered before you leave?"[/color][/b]