[hider= Maelstrom] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/489761803967021058/OG7zsCk1.jpeg[/img][/center] [center][h3]"Let's not dance with words. If you want a quick death, I will grant you one."[/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Kaze Vaelune[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]Seventeen. (17)[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]On first glance, Kaze does not scream out 'villainous murderer'. A teenage boy, not even old enough to drink alcohol, is what you would see. He is neither especially tall or short, standing at a fairly average height of 180cm, otherwise known as five foot nine in other measurement systems. His physique is lean, although a closer glance would showcase definition in his arms, legs, and torso - a testament to some form of athleticism. Regardless, he isn't made of muscle, and would most-likely never bulk into such a body. Fair skin, a bit on the paler spectrum, has a noticeable lack of blemish or scar tissue, gained from daily washing and lack of [i]physical[/i] scrapping. His complexion goes rather well with his hair and eyes, the latter being a vivid and soft emerald, and the former being a soft and feathery light blonde, approaching white in certain light. It's rare for his features to be twisted into expressions of anger or hate, which explains the lack of stress lining his face. Though, if you look hard enough, one could spot an almost invisible dash of freckles skimming over the bridge of his nose. Unlike most villains, Kaze lacks a costume. He generally wears neat, tidy clothing, such as blazers and buttoned-up shirts. A constant in his wardrobe, however, are the pure-white gloves that covers his hands. Kuro's sharp talons does nothing to harm the material, hinting that the gloves are not what they seem.[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]One thing to note, is that Kaze doesn't yell or scream when he gets angry. No, his display of anger is much more...quiet, yet infinitely more dangerous. It's a sign of a calm before the storm, the sun before the rain, the life before the death. It builds in his eyes...they become almost blank, the vivid green turning a pale silver. His hair began to move and wave, as if he's flying through the air, or sitting at the bottom of an ocean. And the air...the air around him [i]thrashes[/i], buffeting anything that's not nailed to the earth. But...it is rare for Kaze to get [i]that[/i] angry. [s]just dont hurt kuro the crow[/s] In general, the young man comes off as cool-headed, patient, and [i]mysterious[/i]. Eyes calm and body relaxed, Kaze approaches the world with an almost easy-going grace that is hard to match. He is an A student, and incredibly meticulous - he enjoys having all of his cards hidden with his hand until he is ready to play them, all at once, and [i]win[/i]. It is uncommon for him to appear surprised or panicked, with the most outwardly surprised expression being the raising of an eyebrow, or a smirk of the lips. He takes everything in stride, and stays one step ahead of his opponents, be it in battle or wits. Of course, that isn't to say that he is necessarily [i]cold and clinical[/i]. Although he maintains a quiet, cool and aloof composure, Kaze isn't rude...on purpose, at least. He simply tells it how it is, and would appreciate it if the same was done to him. His humor tends to be sarcastic and blunt, with amusement being expressed at stupid, silly, or idiotic decisions. When interacting with others, some emotions are shown - mostly amusement or subdued annoyance, but Kaze naturally has a kindness within him that most villains seem to lack. It only tends to comes out when around children, friends, or cute animals, however. Simply put, if Kaze cares for you, he will protect you from the entire city itself. His willpower and determination is simply that strong. But...do not let his kindness fool you. If he feels the need to, Kaze will end your life mercilessly, cool eyes turning as cold as a winter's breeze.[/indent] [b]Background:[/b] [indent]For the first ten years of his life, Kaze's life wasn't even bad. He was born to a pair of high middle-class adults, both who loved and cherished him dearly. Outside of their lives as nurses and doctors, the two parents were the tag-team Hero duo, Windy Breeze. His mother, Windy, was a happy woman with the power to float on wind currents. His father, Breeze, was able to accelerate wind currents to a medium degree. Together, they arrested low-tier criminals and villains, and came home to take care of their happy little son, Kaze. When he was five, Kaze began to show his Quirk - which seemed to be uniquely bolstered by both of his parents'. The ability to manipulate and channel air and wind itself, in both destructive, and passive ways. Proud of their son's Quirk, and in awe of the raw talent he seemed to possess for the power, his parents began to train and teach him, so that he could use his powers for good. He still went to school, and managed to keep up high grades despite his...extracurricular tutoring. That is, until that fateful tenth birthday. He'd never meant to kill the cocky hero. He had been walking home from school, avoiding the skies due to the incoming rainstorm, when some low-tier villain cut him off in an alley. Although fearful and nervous, Kaze was ready to attack, the wind flitting around his form, when some guy in a red jumpsuit leaped off of the roof, and drop-kicked the villain with a battle cry. Reflexes kicked in, and he subconsciously released the blast of air that he'd been channeling around his gloved right hand. The man in the jumpsuit was sent careening over the streets, slamming head-first into a car, denting the metal. He had been a normal human vigilante, wanting to show the world that villains could be defeated by the average joe. Kaze did not mean to hit him so hard...he had just been scared. That didn't stop nearby heroes from running into the alley, powers at the ready. Frightened, Kaze escaped to the air, barely fleeing the area unseen. The damage was done, however. By the time he got home, after spending a couple of hours hiding away in the park, pictures were displayed on the news, showing his shocked face as he stared at the dead hero. The news went on to show his parents being processed into prison - apparently, they'd chosen to turn themselves in as...accomplices. He was horrified, but he also knew that he couldn't stay at his home. There were probably heroes and officers heading to his home at that very moment. Shaking, Kaze packed his bags, and took his first steps into the life of villainy. Years went by, as did his hesitation, and patience, for heroes. The fact that they would hunt him for so long, for something that was so obviously an accident, made him aware of their true nature. Attention-grabbing, power-hungry pieces of filth. He has a home, now - a nice apartment, with a view of the city. He wouldn't let that be destroyed. Nowadays, he isn't merciful when it comes to the chase. The city seems to want Maelstrom's head on a platter, and Kaze has no interest in dying peacefully.[/indent] [b]Motive for Villainy:[/b] [indent]At first, it was simple survival. They pursued him, and he fought back. Nowadays, however? He is aware of the truth. Heroes are a cancer, and they needed to be cut off. Innocent lives? They're innocent, no reason for unneeded bloodshed. But heroes...Kaze is a patient young man, but even he is sick of them. [/indent] [b]Quirk:[/b] [indent]Winter's Breeze. An Emitter-class Quirk, and one that is very...dangerous when uncontrolled. In layman's terms, Kaze has the ability to manipulate and channel the very wind and air that flows through the world. To put it bluntly, Kaze can utilize the air and wind around him in a variety of different ways, such as: floating/flight - speed depends, blasts of concussive wind - the power and sizes of the blasts varying, or even tendrils or blades made of razor-sharp wind, capable of slicing through various materials, depending on their durability, and the power put into the attacks. Those are just his more common techniques. Weakness-wise, Kaze's powers are practically useless in places where air and/or wind is limited. Creating wind itself is incredibly draining - not to be confused with manipulating existing wind, and so is creating large-scale tornados or similar acts of wide-scale destruction. Due to the potential danger of his quirk, Kaze has to keep a close eye on both his emotions and concentration, lest he hurt both himself and those close to him.[/indent] [b]Talents:[/b] [indent]Other than his obvious intelligence, which lets him stay one step ahead of opponents of average intelligence, Kaze is naturally calm in stressful situations, allowing him to react unheeded and unburdened by stress or worry. He has some hand-to-hand training by his parents, but it's rather basic, as he relies mainly on mid to long range attacks, and overwhelming opponents with cunning and power. Kaze is also skilled at the usage of the violin, and can slow-dance relatively well.[/indent] [b]Other:[/b] [indent]He has a pet crow, named Kuro.[/indent] [/hider] He's finished.