[hider= Lance] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/bckoQUV.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][h2]"Move out of my way or Perish"[/h2][/color][/center] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [center]Name: Lance Age: 17 Appearance: Lance is rather tall and muscular in figure, standing at the height of 6'1 and 165 pounds he has quite a nice physique due to his training. Personality: Lance is a Relaxed and chill person, he can be very blunt when he speaks and hates when people sugar coat things. Lance is enclosed and walls himself off from people as he doesn't have much interaction with people around his age, he dislikes when everybody knows his business. Lance is very observant and analyzes the personalities of everyone he meets. He is the type of person that always repays a favor, even if he dislikes you greatly. Lance is also arrogant having yet to see his abilities matched at his age, Lance also doesn't associate himself with the weak. Though he is rather cold, he considers those significant to him a comrade, though he doesn't completely open up to his comrades he shows a much more tolerable side. When Lance is in battle, the longer the battle the less sane he can become as his body temperature lowers from using his quirk, once he goes berserk he will attack anyone in the vicinity and he will go for the kill if the chance is granted. Lance can also be somewhat of a kid at times as he has little experience with the world, he can be very curious and ask a lot of questions, or at other times idiotic but when it comes to combat he is somewhat of a genius. Background: The creation of Lance was not created from love or lust, it was created for the purpose to be a weapon, used against anyone his father saw fit. Lance is a subject of quirk marriage, where people reproduce with another person in hopes of acquiring their quirk. Lances father was a leader of a couple of lowly crooks of another villain his quirk was the ability to animate objects that he can control to do his bidding. His mother was able to manipulate ice and use it efficiently, Lances father only wished to be with his mother just for her quirk, he wished to reproduce with her to create a kid that would boost him to the top of the criminal world. Lance father never really cared for the mother at all, usually abusing her when he grew frustrated, the only reason he kept her around was so that she could take care of Lance, not much of a family huh? Lance had began training at age 5 when which is when his quirk manifested, from age 5 to 15 he had trained every day with his father, while his mother was under surveillance by his pawns. Whenever Lance was with his mother and he would noticed the bruises she had, he would always ask "Momma how did you get those" his mom always responding, "Oh that's nothing don't worry about it dear" when in reality she was getting beaten. Lance was home schooled by his mother as well. Lance was a only child, he loved his mother so dearly as he treated him and gave him a lot of love. Little did Lance know, he was the only reason she wanted to live, other than that her life was terrible, she was like a caged animal never able to go outside. His father was rather cold never showing Lance love or attention. When Lance was 15 his insane side started to show, when his father killed his mother in cold blood, seeing as he has no use for her now Lance witnessed it all, his father believed that Lance would become a true villain when he lost his mother but he was wrong and it led to his demise. Lance remembers the night clearly, being called to his fathers quarters, seeing his mother tied to a chair with her mouth covered by a rag, unable to speak, pistol to her snow white head, tears running down her pale skin, then bang...her head clearly blown off. The last words he let his father breath, "Now that the nuisance to your training is taken care of, you will now truly become the strongest since nothing is holding you back" a tear chin, then hit the ground with like a rock, in that second Lance froze the room solid, his father staring at him with fear. "Since you took my mothers life I am going to take yours" Lance said with a wide green, he froze his fathers body solid leaving his head exposed, "See you in hell" Lance said smiling crookedly. He froze his father solid, then with a solid strike to his chest he crumbled, leaving his home with his fathers money in a backpack and the clothes on his back. Since watching his mother die his psychotic side has shown more, using his power reminds of his mother making him blood thirsty when ever he would fight for a while with it. When he was 16 he tried to enter a hero academy, though when he train hard and fight with the other students he grew rather unstable as he would harm the other students greatly as he tried to kill them, this got him kicked out of the hero program as he was deemed a monster and that he would never be a hero. He would travel from city to city living off his fathers money, he quickly began to believe that he was truly a weapon developed by his father and he was ca Motive for Villainy: Only thing Lance is capably of doing correctly, he begins to believe this is the only thing he is good and the sole purpose he was put on earth for. Quirk: [hider=Frozen King] [color=00aeef]The ice, it is so befitting of his personality, relaxed and subtle but can also be brutal, Lance can generate and manipulate ice from his body when he wants, a rather wonderful quirk right? Well not everything is sweet, when Lance overuses his quirk and goes beyond his limit he loses his relaxed and cool persona and begins going psychotic losing sense of who is on his side and who is enemy is, when goes into this state of mind he wont stop unless incapacitated or everyone around him is dead. When he is psychotic his judgement is clouded causing him to make reckless moves causing him to harm himself, those who are strategist will have a easier time taking Lance down when he is berserk.[/color] [hider=Signature abilities] [color=00aeef]Ice minion- Lance can summon ice demons that he can control, this is one of his more costly abilities as the more minions he is controlling the higher his insanity rate rises, currently he can control only 5 minions for 10 minutes before he starts losing his edge, when he summons his ice demons he wants to take out a group of people rather quickly. Ice projection - Lance can project ice from any of his limbs whether it be shooting a steady stream from his hands or freezing the ground with his feet. This can build up sanity rather quickly, if he over does it. High Cold tolerance: Lance can tolerate the cold up to -30 degrees Fahrenheit Snow Globe: Lance protects the ice forming a solid globe around him being able to shield against basic attacks and weapons.[/color] [/hider] [/hider] Talents: close range Combat- Lance is excellent at close range combat, he is also fairly decent with a sword as well. Intelligent - Lance is book smart and is able to interpret many readings, on the other hand he lacks streets smarts and social experiences making him somewhat of an air head when it comes to human interaction. Eating- This guy can eat whatever you feed him as long as it is edible Inventory: BBQ flavored Lays chips(His favorite)[/center] [/hider] done [@cloudystar]-Forgot reason for becoming villain