[center][img]https://s22.postimg.org/qmer2dny9/Precious_Kyle_Lucidius.png[/img] [h2]Location: Hoffand Park Time: 3:00 A.M.[/h2][/center] [hr] [center][img]http://static.fogs.com/static/uploads/images/605_undefined/4fe3b584-84c29cf4254904b.jpg[/img][/center] It was chilly that night, but not quite so for the wind was barely blowing. You could hear the occasional rustle of leaves as they were pushed across the paths but not much else. The quiet was serene. Welcoming, even. Not many people took the time for contemplative reflection. Their lives were taken over by schedules and meetings and brunches. Did they want a venti frappuccino or a grande mocha latte? The trivialities were as such that if you were to take away this illusion of freedom they would kick and scream, throwing a fit like an undisciplined child. Kyle barely stirred as a woman entered his eyesight. She pulled the jacket tightly around her as she sat on the bench, knees coming together either out of modesty or comfort. His head tilted slightly, his finger gently running across the grip of the weapon hidden behind his jacket like a lover. His eyes had adjusted to the dark, natural night vision taking in all the ambient light around him. The woman had pulled the hood up over her head, so he couldn't make out any details of her face but he saw that she was a blonde before she sat down. There was a lamp post not too far away from the bench pushing shadows across the ground as if hands clawing at any who pass by. The branches swayed in the wind and whistled with trepidation. Kyle barely moved when he noticed another coming down the path. The strawberry blonde-haired woman walked the opposite direction from where the first woman came, wearing a long overcoat pulled at her midsection, accentuating her assets. She slowed when she saw Ana, curious to see another in this wretched park at the witching hour. She continued, tho, the clicking of her heels against the pavement stones being the only sound that pierced the night air. She was a beautiful woman. Five feet five inches tall with inviting green eyes. Olive skin wrapped around a lithe frame. Her hair was slightly curly and bounced with every step she took. The woman moved gracefully toward Ana taking the seat next to her. [color=lightgreen]"Good morning."[/color] She spoke softly in a tone that dripped of honey. [color=lightgreen]"Don't see many other people here at this hour... except them."[/color] She said, gesturing toward what appeared to be a homeless person clutching a worn coat over their frame. If one would listen closely, you could hear the shivers between his incoherent ramblings to himself. A city was built on tragedy. It forgot those that needed to be seen the most and cast aside those that needed to be embraced. Life was, with no reservation, cruel and unjust. After a brief pause, the woman looked toward Ana whispering, [color=lightgreen]"My name is Victoria."[/color] Kyle looked on as the two women sat together. He knew the second woman was his target. He had watched her for weeks taking in every detail about her. Her gait and graceful walk. The way she smiled and greeted strangers with a nod of her head. Kyle liked to make a game of it in his mind. Like star-crossed lovers reaching out to each other. In some distant past perhaps they could have been together, raising a family and loving each other. The reality of it was, this is how Kyle coped. It was as if he was writing a novel and nothing he did was real. The texture of the grip running across the pad of his finger spoke others. Silently, he moved from his position, cutting around wide as to not attract attention. He stuck to the shadows and watched the placement of his feet as he flanked the bench. This new woman, however... It complicated things.