[centre][b][h1][color=f7976a]Kalinda[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] [@Vicier][@YoshiSkittlez] Kalinda glanced over as Deon entered, Arianna hadn't taken either the meds or the drink yet, and she knew she needed to coax her friend into taking the meds, but Deon posed a challenge to that. She gave a soft sigh, shaking her head, but knowing she could really deny Deon medical care. [color=f7976a]"Yeah, I can check your nose over-"[/color] But she didn't get to finish what she was going to say, as Arianna kissed Deon, making out with him. Kalinda stood there, a little awkward, looking for a way out before she remembered that this was [i]her[/i] cabin, and she couldn't really leave them. Especially if they were going to...oh gods. [i]father, come take me away, please. I don't ask for much![/i]. She cleared her throat, but Arianna didn't seem to hear her. Choas danced around their feet, clearly looking for a way up, to poke her head inbetween the two. Kalinda scooped her up, and set her, for the moment, in her cage. At Arianna's behaviour, Kalinda knew they could be in for some realy trouble. Yet she wasn't too sure what to do. A little worried, okay-more then a little, especially as [i]oh shit[/i] Arianna was licking the blood from Deon's face. Kalinda clapped her hands, the lights flickered on and off with a little effort from her part, [color=f7976a]"Ariana!"[/color] her voice snapped out like a whip, although she suspected that wouldn't do much, she knew she needed to do something else [color=f7976a]"Deon, you ass! You couldn't have waited five more minutes?"[/color] then she would have had Arianna medicated, and perhaps everything would be okay. All she knew was that she was [i]not[/i] going to get herself under Mr D's attention-that was worse then him deliberately messing up their names, if you had Mr D's attention, you were in some serious trouble. She had to get Arianna to take her medications, and sooner rather then later, or it would be her ass over the fire. Kalinda did dislike medicating her friend, and one day she would figure out a way of treating her, without the meds, but today was not that day. [color=f7976a]"Arianna, please. Please, won't you take your meds?"[/color] She said, desperately, just about begging. She would seriously consider getting a bucket of water, and throwing it over the two of them, to simply try and avoid a disaster, but she didn't want to tempt fate right then and there.