[CENTER][img]http://ddn.i.ntere.st/p/7788463/image[/img] [h1][u]The Meet[/u][/h1] [h2]Gathering of Garbage[/h2] Interactions with [@cloudystar],[@sharksama], [@Barioth], [@Rune_Alchemist] and [@Wasted Ink] [/center] Gi was not happy about the fall but was lucky enough to slow it down thanks to his newly secured wrist blade. He brushed himself off in after the landing, hearing one of the girls complaining about losing a shoe to which he rolled his eyes, taking out a cig in the process and lighting it, his lazy posture never changing. The man spoke, about some bullshit he cared not for but listened anyway. He did reach into his phone and causally yet discreetly pressed speed-dial for his buddy back at the noodle shop. Whether or not it got to him he didn't care much about. He was more concerned about keeping himself alive and with that, he let his phone ring. As the bots turned on and began to warm up, he casually walk over to Kurt and Ryu. [color=9e0b0f]"Yo..."[/color] He looked at the to with less enthusiasm than he did with the robots. He leaned his head from behind the pillar to take a look at the robots. [color=9e0b0f]Those green things might be its eyes. Fuck them up it can't see. Doesn't mean though it can't hear or sense us. Radar and whatnot. I'm pretty quick so I could go in first. See if I can separate one of them from the rest. A guinea pig of sorts."[/color] One thing Gi never did mind was going solo, even if it was for a recon job. It was why Yamaguchi liked him besides his quirk. He was wiling to get in the dirt with his guys and that is what inspires. It shows leadership, dedication and loyalty. Best do that with this group as well if they wanted to survive. So, he with drew his two katana and looked at Ryu. [color=a0410d]Well?[/color]