[center][h3]Sapphire Inn - Inn, F2 5/7/2015 - Sunday[/h3] [@I-am-X][@Sen][@Takaru][/center] The Monkey didn't seem to realize its veil was off, and so as it took the attacks head on, it quickly realized its mistake. Attack after attack had blasted the monkey shadow away, chunking it bit by bit and soon it was slain, dissolving into a black ash. With that cleared, and the smaller monkeys now retreating after their leader was defeated, the party deliberated to move forward. [hr] [center][h3]Sapphire Inn - Cavern, F2 5/7/2015 - Sunday[/h3] [@floodtalon][@enterthehero][@itano123][@Haru Nyan][/center] A combination of the Debilitate and barrage of spells made short work of the knight, any attacks it mustered were easily warded or evaded, and any attacks that it took were taken front on and with withered defenses, letting the armor shatter as a person fell out. It was another of the people trapped in here. With some deliberation, Ayano had someone from the defense party come and retrieve them while everyone moved on ahead. [hr] [center][h3]Sapphire Inn - Royal Suite 5/7/2015 - Sunday[/h3] [@floodtalon][@enterthehero][@itano123][@Haru Nyan] [@I-am-X][@Sen][@Takaru][/center] As the party moved through, Rui's party came up through the main entrance into a courtyard, and before them was what looked like the grand entrance to something. A sign at the top said it was the "Royal Suite". The place was gaudy, golden and red littered the shining and overly lit up decorations for the Japanese-style innhouse. It was somewhat unnatural. [color=slategray]"If this was a game, there'd be a save point right about... There"[/color], he said, pointing at a spot in the garden right by the stairs onto the veranda. As soon as he said that, they heard a noise to the side, the rocky wall had begun sliding open a part, and revealing Kami's party. [color=aba000]"Well, isn't this a surprise. I guess the path joins here"[/color], he said. [color=slategray]"So we'll be tackling this boss with two parties...?"[/color], he questioned. [color=magenta][i]"You'll need it, based on some of my readings. Ayano can confirm too. There seem to be a lot of readings up there similar to the knights you had all encountered"[/i][/color], she stated. So it was going to be a large battle up there. [color=slategray]"Right... Well there's no point rushing, we'll take a moment to rest, then move out"[/color], he said. They couldn't rest for too long. Who knew what was happening up there...