I think I've PMed everyone with accepted characters about relations, but if I forgot you just give me a tap :D Currently working on a little sheet for Oli's sister, Madison, since she's going to be a pretty important NPC to his story. Edit: Here's Oli's sister! [hider=Madison Nichols - NPC][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmY1MjkzOS5UV0ZrYVhOdmJpQk9hV05vYjJ4ei4w/autumn-in-november.regular.png[/img] [color=ff0040][i]Madi - Mads[/i][/color][hr][hr][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/50258b0177873f7c2a08ffb2f959d7b4/tumblr_mpkts5kWbp1r14x26o5_250.gif[/img][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/3fe6dd8bc3086ae8b02f2257ff4fa700/tumblr_mpkts5kWbp1r14x26o6_250.gif[/img][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/835fed51356ab3d22e2a38de4a58c34a/tumblr_mpkts5kWbp1r14x26o3_250.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/4a9e4bad709519157763d2079d7cd772/tumblr_mpkts5kWbp1r14x26o1_250.gif[/img] "[color=ff0040]I don't step aside for anyone, least of all you.[/color]"[hr][hr] [/center][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmY1MjkzOS5SbTl5SUZSb1pTQlNaV052Y21RLC4w/autumn-in-november.regular.png[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/cd0290b58904f585d842f3cfa7d57b5c/tumblr_mz5imcVSIf1rg0tuzo2_r2_250.gif[/img][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/48e60c42372c37057526eba9de39e2c6/tumblr_mz5imcVSIf1rg0tuzo3_r1_250.gif[/img][/center] [color=ff0040]║ Name ║[/color] [indent]Madison Elizabeth Nichols[/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Birthday & Age ║[/color] [indent]January 14th, 2000. Sixteen[/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Gender & Sexual Orientation ║[/color] [indent]Heterosexual Female[/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Other Labels ║[/color] [indent]|| [color=ff0040]Queen Bee[/color] || [color=ff0040]Bitch[/color] || [color=ff0040]Homeschooled[/color] || [color=ff0040]Liberal As Fuck[/color] || [color=ff0040]White Girl[/color] || [color=ff0040]Fashionista[/color] || [color=ff0040]Probably going to rule the world[/color] || [/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Occupation ║[/color] [indent]Currently Unemployed[/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Appearance ║[/color] [indent]By all conventional standards, Madison is beautiful. She's slender, with a body that implies she works out and eats healthy. Her hair falls just past her shoulders, silky and dirty blonde. Her deep blue eyes draw you in, and make you feel as if you are the only person she could even dream of thinking of. Her skin clear, except for the smattering of freckles across her nose, something she shares with her brother. She's not nearly as tall as him though, standing at about 5'5". Fashion wise, Madi dresses to impress. She puts a solid hour, at least, into her outfit everyday, always making sure that she leaves a lasting impression in peoples minds. She prefers to wear dresses or skirts, though she's not adverse to skinny jeans or even the occasional pair of leggings. She often toes the line between conservative and revealing, a fact which is not lost on her in the slightest. [/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/d78d166f64d7d407e6406377df411974/tumblr_n8l1w1Avfx1s9f17oo4_250.gif[/img][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/205c8b102af83b4c721b3c904d73ed34/tumblr_n8l1w1Avfx1s9f17oo2_250.gif[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYr96YYEaZY]"Candy She's sweet like candy in my veins Baby, I'm dying for another taste And every night my mind is running around her Thunder is getting louder and louder Baby you're like lightning in a bottle I can't let you go now that I got it"[/url][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmY1MjkzOS5RWFFnUm1seWMzUWdSMnhoYm1ObC4w/autumn-in-november.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=ff0040]║ Personality ║[/color] [indent][color=ff0040]The Positive:[/color] [list] [*] Intelligent [*] Dedicated [*] A damn good leader [/list][/indent] [indent][color=ff0040]The Negative:[/color] [list] [*] Manipulative [*] Hardcore scared of commitment [*] A straight up bitch [/list][/indent] [indent][color=ff0040]What You See:[/color] To the outside world, Madison Nichols is cold and calculating. She can be sweet and caring, but only towards those she's close with, and to most people, they appear to be on her bad side. Most people wonder how in the hell she and Oli are related, let alone twins. While Oli is outgoing and openly affectionate, Madison has a cold shell, and it doesn't seem to melt easily. While most can't say they particularly enjoy Madison, plenty respect her. She's very intelligent, well known for making the honor roll every year, and she's a great leader. She's a planner and a doer, and she knows how to get shit done. No one can say otherwise. She just isn't particularly open to much help, and is, as Oli sometimes says, "a bossy bitch who can't let anyone help." He got grounded for that one. Now days though, Madison is clearly not the person she used to be. Her confident stature is gone, and she doesn't bite back with her usual quips. While plenty of kids hated Madison for one reason or another, it's hard to summon any loathing for her now.[/indent] [indent][color=ff0040]What I Know:[/color] In truth, Madison Nichols is a girl wracked with insecurities. She's a major control freak, but only because she's terrified of failure and letting people down. She also has a deep seeded fear of commitment, and because of this, her trust is hard to earn. She is, deep down, a caring girl, and loyal to her friends, she just finds it very hard to express such feelings. All of this is only known to her closest friends, or her family. Madi would rather have the rest of the world see her how they want to, rather than as the mess she really is.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/751c555eb3c3ceab38d5a9b038b6211d/tumblr_n69ad4sTPj1sg49umo1_250.gif[/img][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/8bd93c84866115b9f90406671ca8811b/tumblr_n69ad4sTPj1sg49umo2_250.gif[/img][/center] [center]"[color=ff0040]A wise girl kisses, but doesn't love. Listens, but doesn't believe. And leaves before she is left.[/color]" - [color=lightgray]Marilyn Monroe[/color][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmY1MjkzOS5UMlptSUZSb1pTQlNaV052Y21RLC4w/autumn-in-november.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=ff0040]║ My Dreams ║[/color] [indent]Madison aspires to become a foreign diplomat, traveling to many different countries. After that she'd like to get a job with the State Department, then become the Secretary of State, and should all go well, the first female President of the United States. Dream big they say![/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Fears ║[/color] [indent][list] [*] Failing [*] Commitment [*] Being hurt [*] Getting stuck in Westworth forever [/list][/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Likes ║[/color] [indent][list] [*] Dogs [*] Friends [*] Family [*] Parties [*] Books [*] History [*] Being in control [/list][/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Dislikes ║[/color] [indent][list] [*] Losing control [*] Reptiles [*] Her reputation [*] Thinking about Lucas [*] Driving [*] Dating [/list][/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Brief History ║[/color] [indent]See Oliver Nichols[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/55d90e93001352b7d9fceeec1280ae33/tumblr_n8j5wgvKdJ1r75gygo4_r1_250.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/b33ed1b5e27f5f38230f7ddb745dea3e/tumblr_n8j5wgvKdJ1r75gygo3_r1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmY1MjkzOS5RV05oWkdWdGFXTnouMA,,/autumn-in-november.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=ff0040]║ Extra Curricular Activities & Sports ║[/color] [indent]Currently, Madi isn't involved with any extra curricular activities. However, last year, she played on the soccer team, and she's always served on the dance committee.[/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Reputation ║[/color] [indent]The Queen Bee, who's doesn't fly nearly as high as she used to.[/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Best subjects, Worst subjects ║[/color] [indent]Madi has always excelled in History and English like her brother, although her art skills aren't nearly the same. She actually does rather well in all of her classes, though Art gives her a little bit of trouble, and she's always had to put in more effort than normal with Chemistry.[/indent] [color=ff0040]║ Extra information ║[/color] [indent]She is best friends with the history teacher.[/indent][/hider]