[center][h3][i][b][color=gray]Angelwing[/color][/b][/i][/h3][/center] [@Fubsy][@Nikki Moonlight][@Polaris North] Angelwing would grumble to himself as he watched the pack gather along the rock. Wolves gathered quickly, probably due to the harsh tone in his voice, but the young ones kept innocent as expected. They made up silly stories as they talked among themselves. He wasn't going to make this a normal ceremony where only the young adults and up had access to the meeting. [i]Everybody[/i] had to know. This was an emergency, and the pups have to learn at one point or another. Angel noticed Rymen trying to keep the pack settled and positive at the edge of his eye. [color=gray][i]That won't help for long. I'm sorry everyone. You'll have to know at some point or another. Knowing it beforehand is the best thing I could do just in case...[/i][/color] he thought while staring at the gathering. He slowly paced around the rock as he waited a few more minutes until everybody was present, including the ones out of the territory. Angelwing wanted [i]everybody[/i] to be warned. Not just from rumors, from the leader himself. Fortunately a howl from the outer area echoed back to him. It was Kinow messaging back that they were still alive. It made him relax slightly, but that didn't mean they weren't hurt. You never know when a wolf could be hiding something. They were mysterious creatures. Crescent Moon was a perfect example of it. [hr] [center][h3][i][b][color=blue]Crescent Moon[/color][/b][/i][/h3][/center] [@Fubsy][@Polaris North] Before getting close to the area she left, Crescent Moon covered herself slightly in the smell of the dirt and leaves. Nature at its best. It hid most of her scent so it wasn't recognizable. The mark she left on the Hunter was also a way to find [i]her[/i]. She knew that. And she knew how to keep it away so it wouldn't happen. The she-wolf crouched in the shrubs nearby, watching the [i]two[/i] wolves before her. The rust-colored wolf she knew as the Hunter, and another one with white fur. That must have been the backup sent out to keep watch on them. Not like she cared. She was more interested in the pack gathering howl that was sent out by whoever-leaded-the-pack-now. The Hunter sent out a howl back to confirm that they were coming over, then started talking to each other that they should pick up the pace. Moon wanted them to hurry up, too. She had to use them to follow them back after all. All she could do was wait.