[b]Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Floor 2 | Sunday, July 5 2015[/b] The lightning bolt struck home and the monkey was sent to the ground - which proved to be just enough time for the others to finish things up. Already weakened by the previous bombardement and Sato's spell-slinging, Akane and Rui rushed in for a final assault which that left the large shadow monkey roaring - before dissolving into black dust that was swept away into nothingness by an unfelt wind. However, there were still several smaller shadowy monkeys scattered throughout the hot springs - survivors or newly arrived reinforcements after Zeke's area-clearing attack - but they seemed more than a little hesitant after seeing their leader fall and beat a shrieking retreat - a fact that Kotori was only to happy about, seeing as it gave everyone a moment of respite after that fight. [b]Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn: Royal Suite | Sunday, July 5 2015[/b] As soon as Megumi confirmed that the area was now clear of any foes - and oddly silent due to this - Rui pressed onward, leading the group to the next area. Following the hot springs, they arrived at a courtyard of sorts that preceeded a rather large entrance which was immediately obvious the moment they set foor in the place, given the sheer amount of decorations and colours surrounding it. Whilst it seemed that the general theme of this place was staying consistent, it was getting ever odder the further they got - though Kotori was a little more preoccupied with worrying about any new threats which might be creeping around any shadows or hiding just out of sight. Rui meanwhile seemed far less tense and instead joked about how this whole thing would be if it were a game of sorts - which might have eased some tension if it wasn't for the fact that as Kotori's eyes followed his extended finger from behind her glasses, a sudden sound echoed across the courtyard as a wall began to slide aside. The unexpectedness of it caused Kotori to almost jump in surprise as she turned to face this unknown threat - at least until she realised that said threat was simply the second group which found its path converging with that of hers. Breathing a sigh in relief as the two group leaders exchanged some words, Kotori was glad to see that all of them were still standing and didn't seem hurt in any serious manner. However, relief was only short-lived as Megumi spoke up once again to inform of what was coming up - as Ayano confirmed, there were several knights ahead, or at least something similar to them, which meant that they would have a serious fight on their hands when just one such an enemy required a whole team to efficiently take down. Even with her worries returning at the prospect of what they had to face, Kotori was nonetheless grateful for a moment of rest before they would head out; taking the opportunity to catch her breath - both from the previous fight and the sudden fright that had been the hidden door. As she did so, Kotori glanced over to the second group - though seeing as they had linked up, it was rather more a singular if larger group now - only to notice that by the looks of things Matthew had tagged along to take Shizuka's place; though any worries Kotori might have had were quickly quelled when it turned out that this wasn't due to any harm coming her way. Similarly, none of the others - Kaminari, who was discussing matters with Rui, Ryan, who still looked a little nervous, and Mako, for whom this was the first time willingly entering the Mirror Realm - were injured even on closer inspection, putting her somewhat at ease - both because she didn't need to cure any ills that had come their way and because it meant that they had not been met resistance that was too much to handle and instead made it through safely. Still, given that everyone was gathering up before they made their way onwards as a full group of eight Kotori took a deep breath as she prepared herself for the upcoming fight that Megumi had already announced - though she did feel some confidence with their own increased numbers, it also increased her worries as that meant there were now twice as many people who might get hurt in the fight as well.