[centre][b][h1][color=f7941d]Sasha[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] [@Wick][@WildRose][@king tai][@dabombjk][@josephb] Sasha was standing in front of the mirror in what had been the girls bathroom, being small, Sasha was standing back near the stalls, able to see herself fully from there. She had her shirt off, and was examining herself, a tape measure that she had found in one of the classrooms measuring her belly. She knew that for every week of pregnancy, it grew a centremetre. Sasha had worked out that, given her last cycle, she should be close to 9 weeks pregant. And yet, she was bigger then she should be-which could be explained by her small stature, but... Her nausea was bad, even worse then Nikki's had been, she was tired all the time, and she constantly felt hungry, and yet she had an aversion to a lot of foods, the smells making her nausea. Her chest was very sore and tender, and she was sure that she had gained more weight then she should have by now. Gods, she looked like she was in the second trimester, not the first. She swallowed, pulling her shirt-well, Matts really, but she like the simple contact of something of his, enjoying the intimacy of it- back on. [i]how can I got to Matt and tell him I think its twins, with everything thats going on?[/i] She knew that would put added strain on him, when he was already so stressed. She ran a hand through her hair, reaching for the container of biscuits-well, it was really ships biscuits, just flower, water and sugar mixed together, so it wasn't the healthiest, and yet, Sasha could keep it down, and being constantly hungry, she grazed a lot throughout the day. A lot. She started back to her and Matts bedroom, intending to catch a little bit of sleep, having been awake since the early hours of the morning, finding herself unable to get back to sleep, laying a hand on her rounding belly, Sasha cursed lightly as tears stung her eyes, not even sure why she was crying. She rubbed at her eyes furiously, drying them as quickly as she could, hoping no one saw her.