[h1][center][b][color=0072bc]D-A[/color][/b][/center][/h1] Much as he hated it, D-A really had no other choice but to agree with Phoebe's statement. He mulled it over for a moment, his robotic eyes closing as he hummed and allowed himself to calm down to a more...relaxed level. Yeah, deep breaths. He glanced at boss man Robin's team and could only look at his ragtag group of badasses and couldn't help but feel just a tad envious at them. [b][i][color=0072bc]"Lucky bastards..."[/color][/i][/b] he murmured and hoped that no one near the vicinity could hear him. Then that Redhead just [b]HAD[/b] to run his stupid mouth over thinking he's hot shit with all his doodads and watchamacallits, if he thinks he's such a special snowflake more than the rest of them then the gloves come off...Pun not intended. Upon hearing this, D-A could swear his blades were just about to pop open, slash and tear through T.H. reducing him into nothing but mere ribbons....A pity that it's only going to be a fantasy in his head for now. Internally, D-A was just trying to keep his cool, barely managing to explode into a ball of bottled-up anger. He could feel it right now, he could just pounce and tackle him then and there, but no. No. No. Play it safe, keep it cool, not when all the heroes are here. [b][i][color=0072bc]"Anyone ever tell you to shut your trap if you don't have anything nice to say? That had just about the subtlety of wet tissue paper."[/color][/i][/b] Truth be told, D-A would much rather die at the battlefield rather than get healed by tickles of all things. At least it would be a more honorable way to go. Before he could even get in another word, 76 was just about ready to debrief them with their first mission! Get. Fucking. Hype. Seems like they're going to be guarding two precious artifacts. While D-A would've preferred the blood-pumping, adrenaline-filled, hyperactive scene of all-out battle, getting a little too stab crazy with his swords might put him at a bad position. Or worse, his early death. Rather than complain about the mission he simply decided to let it be, and hey Zarya or McCree. Whichever one they had to go with, it's still going to be an epic guard duty.