[center][h2] - Australia - [/h2][/center] [center][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@supertinyking][@Wraithblade6][/center] The fire blast exploded around the knight's figure even as the sawblade launched into the explosion. Dust was thrown into the air and for a moment it obscured everything. The invisible form of the wraith shot forward, shrieking as it hungered for the knight's soul. It seemed the bargain had gone awry. But as the dust began to settle, the silver-clad figure was shown to be mostly unharmed. The hand that had previously held the crest was now outstretched, an armoured gauntlet wrapped around the wraith's head. The undead creature shrieked, attempting to turn incorporeal and yet somehow failing, as purple flames danced along it's figure. With a final agonising howl the creature dissipated, it's very essence burned into nothing. Then, calm as ever, the knight turned it's attentions once more to the mortals before it. It's figure now surrounded in purple flames and lightning, it's very glare appeared to pierce into the souls of those present. It was clear that this being was a powerful opponent indeed, judging from the casual ease with which it dispatched a powerful undead being. But the flames did not appear to be entirely it's doing, and it's form began to shimmer. Chaotic energies overtook it as space bent around it, and slowly it became clear that it was being somehow dragged out of this realm. With a hint of amusement, the choir of voices once more spoke. "It appears that I misjudged you. Unfortunate. The power I offered you would have allowed you to progress. But perhaps that stubborn head of yours may serve you. There will be greater temptations ahead. See that you rebuke them with the same fervour you now show." The knight's form began to fade, dissipating into a strange purple cloud that was drawn away into the heavens. "I came here because I felt the call of something ancient beyond even my reckoning. Beware, mortals. For the vampire is but a puppet, and the true threat to this realm is greater than even I can imagine. If you are to survive, you may need to learn to set aside old hatreds." With those words the being disappeared completely, a thunderclap sounding at it's departure. Lightning flashed, the ground seemed to tremble for a moment, and then the being was gone, leaving a silence almost as noticeable as the being's presence had been.