It's time for a very special announcement.... [hr][center][b][color=slategray]E P I S O D E I: P L A Y E R A W A R D S[/color][/b][/center][hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Break Out Character[/b] - [@Tyler]: The Break Out Character Award is granted to the player whose character stands out from the rest. This episode's winner is Tyler with his character Aiden McKenna who had a very interesting and personal plotline while still being involved with the main plots. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]First Responder[/b] - [@FantasyChic]: The First Responder Award is granted to the player who replies to the GM's posts first most frequently. This episode's Winner is FantasyChic who responded to the GM's posts first a grand total of 4 out of 6. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Funniest Post[/b] - [@Lord Wraith]: The Funniest Post Award is awarded each episode to the player with the most laughs on a single post. This episode's winner is Lord Wraith with this [url=]post[/url]. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]GM's Choice[/b] - [@Tyler]: The GM's Choice Award is awarded each episode to a player whose singular post stands out to the GM's in any manner of ways. It could have been notably funny, emotional, or just very well written. This episode's winner is Tyler with this [url=]post[/url]. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Most Liked Post[/b] - [@Roman]: The Most Liked Post Award is awarded each episode to the player with the most likes on a single post. This episode's winner is Roman for this [url=]post[/url].