[color=f7976a][center][h3]~Allison Hillard~[/h3][/center][/color] [@sharksama] [@Cuccoruler] [@cloudystar] [@Barioth] [@Rune_Alchemist] [hr] Leaning on the cylindrical, spiked mace, Allison watched the others. It seemed most of the others could indeed handle themselves well enough. That was nice, and incredibly good. She wouldn't have to carry the team, so to speak. Vert seemed a little less in the able-bodied department, though and asked for a weapon from Ryu...hmph. If she couldn't handle a few artificially made creations then she might as well just give up...but then again, if she didn't they wouldn't get out of here. Well, at least someone else had a weapon. She wasn't looking forward to possibly having to make one, physically break it and lend it to someone. That would hurt, and put quite a dent in her abilities in the short term. At any case, she supposed she should join in on the festivities as well. She walked towards the robots. She didn't have speed like Vert or someone else might have. All she had, was her weapons and a sharp mind. The robot struck at her with its saw blade. The deadly weapon would have likely easily injured her had she not simply sidestepped. With a smirk, she brought her heavy weapon down upon the robot. The bone mace slammed into the top of it. Then again. Again. And again. The sound of crunching metal was barely audible over the other fighting going on and soon enough Allison had finished turning the little robot into a pancake. How boring. The robot barely gave her a good little dance. Ah well, at least she could likely have a bit of fun. She walked over to the flattened robot. Some of its blades and weapons were still twitching, but for the most part it was fairly useless. She hefted it with little difficulty as she observed the others in the room. Sawa and Kurt looked like they could use a bit of help...hum. Did robots like playing baseball? She tossed the remains of the robot into the air...and then slammed it with her mace, sending the thing careening towards one of the other robots in their vicinity. Well, she did what she was supposed to. Hopefully the others could continue to keep up.