Well, uhh, here's my CS! It's been a while since I actually made a CS, but I hope it lives up to standards. [@Holy Soldier] [hider=Aradia Coventry] [color=gray][center][h3]Name[/h3][/center][/color] [color=9932cc][center]Aradia Coventry[/center][/color] [color=gray][center][h3]Age[/h3][/center][/color] [color=9932cc][center]28[/center][/color] [color=gray][center][h3]Race[/h3][/center][/color] [color=9932cc][center]Witch[/center][/color] [color=gray][center][h3]Hieght[/h3][/center][/color] [color=9932cc][center]5' 11"[/center][/color] [color=gray][center][h3]Weight[/h3][/center][/color] [color=9932cc][center]130 lbs.[/center][/color] [color=gray][center][h3]Hair Colour[/h3][/center][/color] [color=9932cc][center]Blonde[/center][/color] [color=gray][center][h3]Eye Colour[/h3][/center][/color] [color=9932cc][center]Blue[/center][/color] [color=gray][center][h3]Description[/h3][/center][/color] [color=9932cc][center]With her sapphire blue eyes and silky blonde hair that flows and bounces on her shoulder, clear white skin and graceful steps, Aradia looks like something straight out of 50’s beauty magazine. However, she, like the rest of us, does have her oddities. Her skin is either unnaturally cool or warm, her eyes are dark and piercing, and her lips are fixed in a permanent smirk or sneer. Pale scars, reminiscent of claw marks, line her hips and shoulders, marks which she covers up with casual clothes. T-shirt, jeans, jacket, anything to blend in, however in certain occasions, Aradia isn’t shy to wear a frilly white dress and stand over a grate that’s blowing air. Though, she's more a fan of natural colours, deep navy blues, and lush forest greens with white or opal jewels that sparkle on her fingers and neck like little stars.[/center][/color] [color=gray][center][h3]Visual[/h3][/center][/color] [hider=] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/MqF4Um4.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [color=gray][center][h3]Personalty[/h3][/center][/color] [color=9932cc][center]Aradia is a very reserved woman, drinking overpriced lattes in fancy cafes alone while she judges strangers from afar. None of that Southern hospitality had remained with her, however, cold as she may be, Aradia isn’t unsympathetic. She cares for the ones around her, hell, she might even bring a cupcake to work for a coworker’s birthday, but overall, she likes to keep that stoic and independent exterior. Aradia is also naturally cunning, quick witted and with a well well-hung tongue, she’s not afraid to snap back some sassy response even if she’s all tied up with a gun barrel pointed at her head, she might as well go out with a laugh.[/center][/color] [color=gray][center][h3]Background[/h3][/center][/color] [center][hider= ][color=9932cc][center]Located somewhere in between the deep south where cousins marry, and up north where complaining about coffee prices is a norm, Aradia lived a relatively peaceful life. Going through the natural stages of life. Going to school, get A’s, make a crap short story in middle school, smoke pot in high school and go to college and graduate with a degree you never wanted in the first place. Everyone is always quick to say they hate life, and so is Aradia, but deep down she enjoyed it. Her parents were always there to ruin it, though. Coming from a long line of religious fanatics, Aradia’s parents were naturally restrictive and overbearing, the perfect conditions to grow a little rebel in. Aradia’s grew and strengthened her short-lived rebellious nature in the form of witchcraft, she never really believed in the stuff at first, she only enjoyed the feeling of pointing at her parents and say “I curse thee!” in order to feel as if she has some control in her life before storming up into her room and slamming the door shut. However, a certain power always resided in her home after she burnt a few offerings to the god of Who-Gives-A-Damn, it was nothing at first, colder weather more unpleasant dreams, but once the windows started to explode in and the bulbs constantly flickering, Aradia’s parents fear of her becoming something nasty wasn’t unfounded. Aradia was soon kicked out and ran into the arms of the only one who still cared about her, Grand Mama. Her grandmother’s home was a nurturing place, one of serenity and peace, but even in those perfect conditions Aradia’s teen angst and hate for her parents stewed. Her grandmother, or Grand Mama, tried hard to convince Aradia’s parents to take back the girl, to be supportive and understanding but her struggles were in vain, it was clear they wanted nothing to do with their daughter, and so Grand Mama kept her. Aradia’s life was quite after that, her hate turned to apathy and she slowly fell out of the craft, she was back on track on becoming a normal nobody again. Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Aradia was all grown up and ready to move out. Little happened in between. Aradia fell back into witchcraft, though, curious about her witchy past after she was hit by a wave of nostalgia when viewing a family album, inspiration arises from the strangest of places. She had begun her transformation into the hippie aunt who wore healing crystals by the time she left home, making her way into a homey apartment in a peculiar city that was never discussed about instead in hushed whispers and disapproving glares. Aradia used to treat witchcraft as a simple tool for her to use, believing that no real harm could come to her if, however, her perspective on all that radically changed one day when she walked into her home to see it ransack, not by intruders, but by poltergeists who think hanging dead animal entrails on her lights was a funny prank. That day, Aradia almost did make a bigger mess on the floor, but, instead of running away from the magic that caused this, she stuck around and continued playing. Playing with a lion’s tail would most likely be safer than toying around with demons, but she just had to satisfy her curiosity. She discovered many more aspects of the craft by doing so, the more destructive side, the more powerful side. Soon, the balance of the universe and life itself were just playthings to her, granted those playthings might kill her at any second but isn’t the thrill of danger what makes life so enjoyable?[/center][/color][/hider][/center] [color=gray][center][h3]Weapon[/h3][/center][/color] [list][*][color=9932cc][i]A Bell[/i][/color] This bell, infused with Aradia's power, can draw in or scare away spirits, and provide clarity and clairvoyance with it's clear, and high-pitched tone. Ringing it with proper intent can cause the magic that swirls in Aradia to grow more powerful, increasing Aradia's own durability and brute strength, invoke spirits for a seance or ritual, or drive away demons, ghosts, or any other unpure power that seeks to harm Aradia. (Note: The bell isn't able to banish everything, only small creatures or weak curses. Anything more powerful than that can only be weakened, and possibly driven away, or annoyed.) [*][color=9932cc][i]Athame[/i][/color] A small knife, seemingly normal and uninteresting at first glance. The black-hilted blade is actually a very potent tool capable of showcasing many properties from acting as a magnet to slicing anything without even touching it. Aradia's blade, infused with her own magic, never dulls and is extremely sharp, able to slice through steel if enough pressure is applied. Also, holding the blade firmly in her hand can increase the potency of her spells during rituals and the area her deadly aura can affect. [*][color=9932cc][i]Prayer Beads[/i][/color] Charged with devastating or holy power, dropping one of the beads can cause it to affect the area around it, usually several feet in diameter. Their abnormal properties are akin to Aradia's fourth power, able to subtly or clearly affect anything in the area, in terms of corrupting or cleansing the target area, without Aradia needing to first touch the target. These effects can be boosted morale or an increase in hopelessness, to causing disease or cure to spread quicker in the area, a more subtle and less powerful alternative to spread magic than using her powers. Placing the beads back on the string or destroying it are the only means by which the beads' effects can be halted, however, if left alone, the beads are able to affect the area for a full day before spending all their energy and becoming simple and non-magical beads again. [*][color=9932cc][i]A Totally Ordinary Cookbook[/i][/color] The Grimoire/Cook Book is chock full of handy apple pie recipes, and instructions on how to summon a dark lord. Hidden among recipes for gumbo and perfectly seasoned turkey are instructions for different spells and potions and natural remedies that are cleverly embedded in the words to stop any nosey family member from reading through and figuring out what it’s for. The book itself, however, is not in anyway magical, however, it is infused with emotion throughout the years of its use, making it very handy to empower spells.[/list] [color=gray][center][h3]Skills[/h3][/center][/color] [list][*][color=9932cc][i]Durable[/i][/color] The magic that Aradia uses on a day to day basis has not only bewitched her charms but her flesh too. Its power twists and mingles in her flesh, blood, and bone, strengthening her defences to supernatural lengths. While she may not be able to simply shrug off a bullet like Superman, she has learned how to take a punch. Able to power through broken legs and gaping wounds, curses and spells. [*][color=9932cc][i]Dead Tongue[/i][/color] Aradia, through years of communicating with her spirit guide, has honed a special talent, able to speak to the mumbling undead or latin spouting ghosts. She's able to sense and communicate effectively with any dead, undead or supernatural being. [*][color=9932cc][i]Enchantress[/i][/color] Aradia's pretty face is a lot more useful than you'd expect. While not total mind control, Aradia's has a natural charm about her that makes her very persuasive. Able to tempt even the most stoic of men with a few carefully chosen words and a flick of her skirt. Reserved as she may be, Aradia is deep down a people person. [*][color=9932cc][i]Wild[/i][/color] Everyone has their animalistic tendencies, and Aradia is no different. During times of great pressure or stress, Aradia starts to grow colder, more cunning and manipulative, able to think calmer and quicker about the situation at hand. Her physical abilities also start to peak, getting sudden boosts of energy during chases, and a harder exterior and faster movements during a fight.[/list] [color=gray][center][h3]Powers[/h3][/center][/color] [list][*][color=9932cc][i]Give in[/i][/color] Aradia gives herself up to the unholy spirits that her craft attracts, letting them twist her mind and flesh into a horrible monster hellbent on death. Her once lissom figure and pretty face is now transformed to a lanky, and stretched mass of red flesh and black bone, with razor-like tooth and nail. Aradia loses the ability to control her body, everything she does is now controlled by the dark spirits that possess her, and their only ambition is to kill anything in front of her. However, Aradia can tap out of this state at will, but, the longer she stays in it, the harder it gets to tap out, and the process of gaining control again is very draining, usually leaving her physically weak and drowsy. Aradia is able to maintain this monstrous state for a few hours before it becomes irreversible. [*][color=9932cc][i]Deadly Aura[/i][/color] Aradia gains the ability to manipulate life within a small area around her, allowing her to drain life, inflict sickness, leech off health, and, if concentrating enough, heal others in exchange for her own health or an unsuspecting victim. However, the more she uses this power, the more her bubble shrinks, and the bubble takes time to grow back to its natural size. Usually taking about 15 to 30 minutes to properly recharge, and her area of effect being several feet in diameter once fully recharged. [*][color=9932cc][i]Magic[/i][/color] A witch's most important skill. Aradia is able to cast a whole slew of spells, from chilling blasts to calling upon the undead. However, unlike her other powers, casting spells usually requires her to pay up in order for her magic to take effect. Costs can range from simple concentration to tapping into the eldritch energy within her, to burning basil leaves, or sacrificing a goat. The higher the cost, the more potent and powerful the spell. (However she is able to cast any magic she wants using only spiritual energy and centration, but overuse of this will lead to fatigue, passing out, or even death.) [*][color=9932cc][i]Cleanse and Corrupt[/i][/color] Tapping into unseen cosmic powers, Aradia can tip the delicate balance of the universe towards corruption or purification. Gaining the ability to corrupt minds in order to turn them into wild rabid beasts (currently only able to affect animals), or purify the mind to shake free any being from unpure thoughts or control. Corrupt the body in order to weaken it and cause sickness, or purify it in order to boost one's physical prowess or strengthen wits. Corrupt the spirit to plant seeds of doubt into minds, cause tendencies to act and think irrationally and lash out, or purify the spirit to inspire and calm the target. Sentient beings aren't the only ones affected by Aradia's influence, the environment around her too is warped. In subtle ways like increased growth of plants or faster contamination of foods and wounds, or much more obvious ways like causing plants to grow thorns near instantly or trees to sour to their fruits and drop it on oblivious heads, or make beds of flowers bloom at will, but there's no fun in growing a garden, now is there? (These occurrences only start to manifest when Aradia has contact with the target, but Aradia can affect any target if a taglock and proper ritual items are provided to hear.)[/list] [/hider]