[@Rune_Alchemist][@Sharksama][@Cloudystar] Vert looked at the katana and grabbed it with a toothy smile. "Thank goodness for being agile." Vert said with a smile as she jumped off the pillar and seemed to spring at the robot with the blade in hand. She had heard what the others said about the eyes. She could also see openings in where the robots had come out. Once Vert had stabbed it in the eye she jumped back doing a back flip before heading towards the bone girls now pancaked robot. "Gonna need one of the blades." Vert said as her tongue shot out from her mouth to grab a detached dagger arm. Vert then did another jump at the robot that was now blind jumping a dagger arm into one of the openings of the current robot jamming it up and causing it to malfunction. Vert let go of the arm with her toungue and ran at the robot again this time keeping her distance and stabbing it hard into another opening and twisting the blade. The robot seemed to fizz out then stopped working. She panted and stood up straight. "I'll admit, that was more tiring than I thought." Vert said with a pant before heading back to Ryu and handing him the katana. "Thanks, really needed that thing." Vert said with a toothy grin before turning to the bone girl again. "Thanks for smashing that robot the way you did, really appreciate it!" Vert said waving at her before jumping up onto the pillar again to watch the others and stay out of reach of the current robot.