[center][h2][color=lightcoral]Sawasawa[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] The patter of Sawa's one bare foot along the pavement could be heard along the clacking of her sandal. Playfully she ran ahead of the battered robot she had previously harassed with her lost shoe. Every few seconds she would turn around and make a mocking face to the battered machine. It almost seemed as if the robot moved with increased vigor each time. Sawa had been searching for her next move but she still wasn't completely sure whether or not if it would work. It was all up to chance whether her mark had been spread to the robot's chassis, she just had to figure out the most dynamic way to end her mechanized nemesis. She was getting tired and as much as she wanted to play tag with this robot, she would have to make her move. She heard a voice from behind her, it was the red-eyed shark boy, his concern was well-founded but she would have to do at least this much herself in order to be taken seriously. She scurried behind the downed robot the wind-user left behind, and bent over, positioning its' sword arm in the way she needed it, all the while her robot was charging at her position buzzsaws whirring and blades slashing wildly. 5 feet away, she could feel the hairs on her neck stand on end as she pointed the blade to the sky. 3 feet away, she could feel the wind coming off its' wild swings as she threw her other slipper into the air as hard as she could. 1 feet away, she could practically feel the buzzsaw touching the hairs on her head and [color=salmon]SNAP[/color]. She felt her hand cramp up as a sandal hit her head instead of a spinning piece of metal and up above, like magic, the robot plummeted down to the ground. With a [i]*CRUNCH*[/i] and a sad electronic [i]*gurgle*[/i] the robot laid tragically impaled in the eye by its' own fallen comrade. Sawa wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead. Triumphantly, she winked and did a jumping pose, [color=lightcoral]Ta-da![/color]