[center][h2]K a z e[/h2][/center] [hr] [i][center]Minutes Earlier...[/center][/i] Kaze made his way towards the downed robot, a razor-sharp wind surrounding his right arm and spinning at high-speeds, forming a large, narrow drill. The robots were resistant to slashes, judging by the superficial 'X' gouged in it's titanium frame, so he would simply pierce through, and drill until it was unresponsive. While a lot of villains relied on brute force and power, causing mayhem for the pure sake of it, Kaze was never one for such actions. While his powers were, indeed, dangerous, and could cause chaos with a snap of the finger, the young man never saw the use of it. He was one for action, yes, but only after planning out his moves one step in advance. These robots were child's play. Eyes shining, Kaze slowly rose his left hand, a breeze floating underneath the downed robot and raising it against the wall. Keeping it in place, the Wind User brought his wind-drill encased arm back, before piercing it forward, right through the center of the 'X'. [color=7bcdc8]"X marks the spot..."[/color] [hr] [i][center]Presently...[/center][/i] His bot thoroughly destroyed, Kaze spent his time floating a couple of feet off the ground, hands resting in the pockets of his black blazer as he watched the rest of the villains handle their enemies. The bone girl did what she had suggested earlier, flattening her bot with a few hard smacks of her bone mace. The shark boy, Kurt, seemed to be a team player, and had held a bot in place while some ice-sliding guy pierced through it with a sword. He'd never seen the appeals of sword, but at least three people in the container seemed relatively adept with the weapon. The confrontational female used the Ryu guy's sword, and Ryu himself seemed to possess the ability to turn corporeal, which he used, with some efficiency, against his bot. What really caught his attention, was Sawasawa. The female had been strategically placing the bot that he'd destroyed in a lethal-looking position, all the while, another bot got closer and closer to skewering her. [i]'Is she crazy?'[/i] Kaze's eyes narrowed, and he prepared to intervene, until she threw her slipper into the air, and snapped. Somehow, the bot that had been chasing her ended up falling from the sky, taking the place of the slipper - which, hilariously enough, hit her in the head. The falling bot pierced itself upon the blade of Kaze's downed bot, placing it straight out of commission. When Sawasawa winked and jumped up with a pose, Kaze couldn't help but take his gloved hands out of his pockets, and clap from his nearby, floating position. [color=7bcdc8]"Nice one. That's an interesting ability."[/color] He finally spoke more than one word ever since he'd gotten there, his normally emotionless voice turning slightly curious. [color=7bcdc8]"I must admit, I did not expect the outcome."[/color] A small smirk formed on his face. Usually, in such situations, Kaze wouldn't distract himself with chatter, but he was quite interested in her Quirk - plus, the situation seemed to be under control. Mostly. [@Barioth]