[b]Name[/b] Theo Carver [b]Age[/b] 19 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Screen/Street name[/b] Sisyphe [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/3bde/f/2014/007/3/0/blueberry_gum_by_vandione-d71bpk3.jpg[/img] [b]Personality[/b] Theo is a generally carefree young man. He doesn't seem to take things very seriously, yet when he has his mind set to do something, he gives the objective his full attention. As much as he is a thinker, he is a doer: He was raised with the philosophy of "responsibility to rebel", so if he doesn't like something, he makes a great effort to make sure that thing changes. [b]History[/b] Sisyphe has been on the walls and buildings of London for over two decades. The name has been under some of the most famous pieces of graffiti in London. The signature is the name, slightly tilted and bent forward, leaning on a circle. Sisyphe's graffiti is mostly found on advertisements, bank buildings, and generally largely visible places. Usually, if the signature was found on buildings of organizations, that meant the organization would take a hit the next day through a cyberattack. Banks would have their money siphoned, politicians would have their corruption shown to the world. [REDACTED] [Theo spent a good portion of his life with a family friend in London. Any time he wasn't with this man, he was spending time at the Assassins' HQ, watching the people behind the computers as his foster father was out on a mission. At a certain age, he started going there in his free time as well, using that chance to learn how to manipulate computers to do what he wants with the help of [i]Codename:Watcher[/i], who worked with the Brotherhood as their support. After some years, she had taught him enough to allow him to help them. After that, for smaller jobs, Theo's foster father went to Theo to watch over the mission instead of Watcher when she was busy with something else. If there was something that needed to be done that the Assassins wouldn't want to be bothered with, his foster father would come to him. So Sisyphe became much more active. When Theo got to the age of 16, the man disappeared, leaving nothing but his graffiti cans and broken hidden blades behind.] Theo had taken the mantle of "Sisyphe" at the age of 16. A change was evident, as the cyberattacks became much more commonplace, and the artstyle changed, becoming more caricature-like, and the satire, more poignant. Up to one year ago, Sisyphe's cyberattacks were mostly minor, and would be unsuccessful undesirably often. That was when Theo used an AI program he'd written, suspected to be done with help from the previous Sisyphe, that was made to learn from the attacks and defenses in the systems of their targets and how to get around them for several years. In the attack, power from Abstergo Industries' London HQ was cut off for an entire hour. Although he had managed to erase his traces to the point that Abstergo couldn't track him down, Theo was contacted by DedSec after the outage. At first, he'd joined for the Assassins so that they could have ears there, but his allegience slowly changed as he saw DedSec's philosophy was much closer to his own than was that of the Assassins. [b]Special melee weapon[/b] A mechanism on his wrist allows him to retract and elongate a small yet strong taser that can produce high enough voltages to kill. By default, it's set to stun. [hider=Image] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/assassinscreed/images/6/6b/Shock_blade.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111118174406[/img] [/hider] [b]Technical Speciality[/b] Code - AI Algorithms [b]Field Speciality[/b] Stealth [b]Theme song[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4irXQhgMqg]Paint It Black[/url] [b]Other[/b] Skilled in climbing and freerunning Skilled in close combat [hider=Mask] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ed/34/7d/ed347df740d19d953ed7af15a1197669.jpg[/img] [/hider]