[center][h2]The Robots[/h2][/center] [hr] Each robot at first charged at the rather large shark thing that was apparently foolish enough to attack the group of them. They did take several attempts to break its skin but mostly aimed for its legs to take down the rather large beast. However, over time one of them would leave the group to take care of a villain who taunted it...eventually only leaving three of them with the shark beast. The two weakened ones were taken care of by Vert aiming for the very open weak points shown from its previous injuries and the other by Sawa for dropping it on top of another one. The normal versions were easily taken care of by Ryu (which has a hole going straight through it), Allison (has oil leaking out of the curb stomped looking head it now has), Kaze (has an even larger hole going through it in width, [u]not in length[/u]), and Lance (not entirely frozen though does have a few slashes and its circuits are frozen). The last two kept on focusing on the shark man, trying to at least take down one of them down even if the odds were looking grim...trying to each hack off a leg with their many robotic arms. [hr] [center][h2][color=slategray]Ryu[/color][/h2][/center] Kinda wanting to get this over but knowing that he can't really help so much without destroying the remaining himself, he simply heads back to where they dropped in. He noticed how the others took out their robots but was more so trying to figure out which ones he'd probably have the most difficulty with dealing. To be honest, he found most of them problematic in the personality department except the shark guy since he seemed friendly and even offered to take the front lines. Then again, he could give the benefit of the doubt to probably the magic girl who seemed to put on an enjoyable show as she fought and Vert since she seemed like fun to hang around despite wanting to eat meat from the sounds of it. [color=slategray]"So...Kirt, you need help with one of them? Hey, other sword guy, if you want to finish off one of the two normal robots, feel free to. I'm just going to hang back here, rather not go in if I'm not needed. Nice going there Vert, but...my katana here is kinda shot up. Don't know if I should charge you for it but now I'm kinda without a weapon unless I want this thing to be completely broken. Oh and nice performance magic girl...think I may have an idea on what your Quirk is and I guess my prediction on your slipper was right...maybe, but please tell me teleport anything? I'd very much like a quicker way to get close to things or people to go through...makes my job easier."[/color] [@pkken][@sharksama] [@Barioth] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Wasted Ink] [@FallenTrinity][@Cuccoruler]