Kurt looked at Sawa in fascination. What had she just done? Was he seeing this with his own eyes? He wasn't quite sure, but he knew for a fact what she did was apart of her Quirk; what else could it be? Before he had anymore time to think, another robot came ramming at him. He stopped it before it could cause any wounds on his upper body. His legs were cut up, and it was getting a bit hard to stand. He'd have to bite his lip and take it out. “N-Nah, I got this,” he growled in reply to Ryu’s offer wincing as the pain increased in his legs. He'd be fine, later; a stinging salt water swim might help the wounds heal faster. The green lights equal eyesight… Take the eyes out, it won't see… But I'm not going to have the time or patience to do that. Silently he nodded to himself, quickly dodging the sword arm. He then grabbed the arm, placed one foot on the robot, and ripped the arm off with much force. Using the sword arm in his hands against the robot, he drove the sharp weapon into it. He didn't like using weapons, but now didn't seem like the time to be picky. He repeatedly stabbed the robot, each stab hitting somewhere different, until it stopped moving and the lights went out. He smirked and tossed it to the side, sending it skidding to another wall. Picking up his scarf and water bottle, he took a long drink and looked around for anyone else who needed help. These people seemed to be agile and quick to take out the enemy… He felt embarrassed that he was one of the last ones to take them out. He felt himself slowly deform back into a human, only his shoes having holes through them that to the transformation. His shirt seemed fine for the most part, besides a medium sized hole on the back side. Ignoring his own wounds, he turned his head to the others of his group. “Everyone alright? Would be a shame if you were injured too badly.” He quickly limped towards the group and wrapped the grey scarf around his neck and bottom half of his face. [@cloudystar][@Wasted Ink][@Barioth][@Cuccoruler][@Rune_Alchemist][@pkken][@FallenTrinity]