[CENTER][img]http://ddn.i.ntere.st/p/7788463/image[/img] [h1][u]The Meet[/u][/h1] [h2]Gathering of Garbage[/h2] Interactions with [@cloudystar],[@sharksama], [@Barioth], [@Rune_Alchemist], [@Wasted Ink] and [@Pirouette] plus others (sorry if I forgot you) [/center] He stood there watching the others fight the robots and at the same time thinking of nicknames for everyone. Swipswap, Jaws, Iceman...More were coming through but that so far that was what he had. His lazy eyes watched each persons quirk in action, gathering what he could from their moves. The boy he was closest to, the one with the katana, Ghost he had so fondly named him, he seemed to be able to become transparent or something akin to it. That was interesting to watch to say the least and he thought about its usefulness then he turned his attention to Bones, the girl with, well, the bones jutting out. Such a versatile quirk that could potentially have many applications. Then there was Jaws, the girl with the teeth...Yeah. SwipSwap had a very neat quirk, to be able to switch places or things was very useful, especially if one was trying to escape a situation. He wondered how many people she could switch at once. Kingfish, the shark...boy...thing. Not only did he look fairly intimidating, but he had strength to match. A possible bodyguard in the future? Then there was Iceman...Kaze? Hmm...His power was definitely unique controlling wind or temperature or whatever. What about- [i]"Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"[/i] His eyes flashed red as he dipped back, a buzzsaw just passing by his face, bloodstained reflection looked back at him. It appeared that one of the bots had stayed back as well, watching his movements. He skidded backwards in a defensive stance before standing again and sniffled with a rub of the nose. He felt something warm on his finger and looked down. [color=9e0b0f]"Hm...lucky shot..."[/color] He looked up at it as he twirled his blades around and smirked, his eyes flashing red again as he saw a large blade come down upon him, the buzzsaw as a follow-up. [i]"Clang, clang clang clang"[/i] The robot and Gi began trading blows. Parry, dodge, dodge, slash, dodge, parry. The place echoed of the swordfight but what the others couldn't tell at that moment was that the robot was speeding up in attacks, it was subtle but enough that Gi could take notice to it quickly. A few more clashing sword blows later and he jumped back, anger in his eyes. [color=9e0b0f]"STOP FUCKING AROUND AND FIGHT ME! I'M NO BITCH! BRING EVERYTHING YOU GOT!"[/color] He could almost hear the evil recruiter laughing from wherever he was because he got what he asked for. What sprouted from the bot was 3 more arms with either a blade or an saw arm. Its movements picked up speed as the arms seemed to stand still but that was far from the truth. Gi jumped up and down and back and forth from his spot, a massive grin on his face. He muttered to himself "come on", slowly getting louder as it drew near until it was on top of him did he make it an audible warcry. [color=9e0b0f]"COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!"[/color] [i]CLANGCLANGCLANGCLANGCLANGCLANGCLANGCLANG![/i] The place filled with the sound of metal striking metal. One could mistake it for the sound of a gong being hit. From the out side, it looked like a robot was being hit from two floating pieces of metal that moved around over and under it. His tomes spun with each turn, flip and spin, adjusting to the sudden shift in movement. This went on for about 5 minutes before he shot off and took a wide arch around the bot, skidding across the floor in front of the others before jumping up and twisting his body around with enough speed he looked like a sideways spintop. The young yakuza boy brought the blades to his side, pointing them out on either side of his body and with the momentum he had, complemented with the spin, he became his own living buzzsaw. The moment Gi's blade touched ground, he took off like a bat out of hell, directed at the one bot, tearing into the ground like a hot knife through butter, the same way he tore through the bot. Cog wheels, gears, wires, arms...All flew up and around when he made contact with the death bot, leaving no time for it to react. Soon enough he slowed to a stop, ending in a low dual hand defensive stance. He took in a few deep breaths before standing up and simply walked over to everyone, his jacket now open revealing the amount of weaponry he held. [color=9e0b0f]"Ghost, Kingfish, Swipswap, Iceman, Jaws...You all good?"[/color] His lazy eyes and relaxed posture returned rather easily as he made his way over to everyone.