[center][h2]Results[/h2][/center] [hr] [color=plum]"Whooaaa...guess it's back to the drawing board on buying better robots from a different company. Better go kill the head of that corporation hehe...you lot did great! Definitely didn't put money on you guys re-taking the trial around three times. However, I do have a guest for you guys, and I'll let you all have the choice on what to do with her. She is a late villain I managed to find who caught my interest, problem is that I'm not in the mood of getting her to join in without all of your opinions. So, here she is, after you decide, just tell me. I'll be over here."[/color] The Kabuki man appeared out of nowhere all of a sudden thanks to the magic hand that came through a dark portal again once more. This time, he snapped his fingers and another body came out...a girl who seemed mechanical....but she had a strange pair of cuffs on her that prevented her powers from activating and a key in front of her. [hr] [center][h2][color=slategray]Ryu[/color][/h2][/center] [color=slategray]"Glad to know we got a new person...and how are you not entertained from that? Good fight to keep the blood flowing...that and hopefully get some heroes killed soon. You guys decide what to do with her but I wouldn't mind getting a new member for the team. It would be quite useful to have another member for an emergency and such so that's all I got on this..."[/color] Ryu starts sitting down and gives a thumbs up to the other sword wielder. However, his own blade was practically bent in a bad way and he shakes his head as he puts it back in his sheathe. The teenager started to take out another candy cig to smoke, offering any to the others as he lit his own. [@pkken][@sharksama] [@Barioth] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Wasted Ink] [@FallenTrinity][@Cuccoruler][@Pirouette]