Vert got down from her pillar. "Gotta admit, being without a weapon isn't great. I guess I should start to invest in some daggers or something. At least a Swiss army knife." Vert said to no one in particular. Though it was aimed towards Ryu more than anything due to her damaging his blade. Vert then started to take steps towards the Kabuki mask man. She then looked at the girl whom he had shown. "You know, I could work with her. More hands never hurt." Vert said with a toothy grin. "But I got a demand before I go any further with any of this. I want meat." Vert said now with a rather serious looking face. At this point her stomach could be heard grumbling. The small piece of meat she ate earlier wasn't enough it seemed. She was hungry that much was obvious. [@pkken][@sharksama] [@Barioth] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Wasted Ink] [@FallenTrinity][@Pirouette][@Cloudystar]