[b]Name:[/b] Adam Philip [b]Appearance:[/b] Imagine Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad. Now, age him back 10 years. To top this off, give him a white beard and a wig. This is what Adam Philip looks like [b]Personality:[/b] Adam Philip has one driving force in his life: hatred. But not of people. No, of magnets. So, he's pretty laid back. Pretty sure you could shoot him and he wouldn't care. That's just theorizing. [b]Biography:[/b] Adam's whole family was slaughtered in front of his eyes at a young age. Not by a murderer, but by modern art. It was Thanksgiving, and the whole Philip's family was at little Adam's house. Then, his cousin's boyfriend sealed their fate. After installing a modern art piece utilizing magnets in the house as an early Christmas gift, the knives spilled out of the cupboard and murdered everyone except Adam, who was in the bathroom at the time. He believes the magnets to be at fault, and has dedicate his life to eradicating Earth's magnetic field. That is why he established this lab. However, nobody knows this as they would stop him if they did. [b]Items:[/b] Nuclear Keychain: Opens any door in the lab "Totally Legal" Cigarette: Pretty sure this is weed but I'm not sure.