[color=f7976a][center][h3]~Allison Hillard~[/h3][/center][/color] [@sharksama][@Cuccoruler] [@cloudystar][@Barioth] [@FallenTrinity][@Wasted Ink] [@Pirouette] [hr] [color=f7976a]"I can think of much more fun activities to 'get the blood flowing'"[/color] Allison replied with a light chuckle to Ryu, though he wouldn't be able to see her suggestive smirk under the mask. [color=f7976a]"Don't get me wrong, I'm all for killing a hypocritical hero or two, but I prefer things that require a little more finesse to pull off...like I did with those guards. Probably don't even know they died."[/color] Of course, that was a non issue. Allison turned to the girl who was currently handcuffed in front of them. Giving her quick once over, she shrugged, not finding them to be too interesting. [color=f7976a]"The more the merrier I say."[/color] She replied after a few moments. [color=f7976a]"Wouldn't be all that entertaining to kill a chained prisoner at least."[/color] She stood up, the boney can she was leaning on disappearing within seconds along with the armor she had formed. She cast a look over to Vert as she mentioned she was hungry with a small smile. "[color=f7976a]Well, my little mouthy friend...I'm fairly certain those guards aren't going to rot anytime soon."[/color] It would have likely been obvious what she was suggesting - and if she was correct in assuming why this girl was upset earlier from a few offhanded comments she made then she wasn't wrong. [color=f7976a]"I am rather bored myself, though."[/color] She said with an irreverent yawn, stretching one of her arms. [color=f7976a]"I was hoping this might relieve that little problem of mine...but so far mister show master, you've been full of nothing but petty little parlor tricks. When can we leave so we can get to doing...villain things? You know...rob a bank or two, steal candy from a baby, kick a puppy...blow up a hero meetup or something and laugh maniacally while I watch it burn. Or do you have some other reason to call us here?"[/color]