I finally finished my CS [center] Name: His Majesty or just Majesty. Age: 15 Appearance: he wears a [url=http://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/diamond-crown-png-3.png]gold crown[/url] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/110405366/large.jpg[/img] Personality: His Majesty does not care about people's feeling and cares little about being politically correct. He considers himself a conservative and is very open about his homosexuality. Lots people like to call him a fake, but he always laughs and mocks them for being bigoted against LGBT conservatives. He loves to meme and is a follower of The Church of Harambe. It is his obnoxious behavior that gets to be villainous and break the rules for the sake either triggering special snowflakes or just exercising his view of freedom. It is very hard to offend him and he hates people who like to censor unpopular opinions. He despises the concept of guilty by association and loves to battle against Identitarians. He has no remorse for committing crimes if he feels the need to and he will even brag about it if it is against a special snowflake. His Majesty loves a good drink and a laugh. He is fine with making friends as long as they can handle his obnoxious behavior. Finally he has a deep fear of the world never being a funny place where people have to be silenced for the wrong ideas. Background: His Majesty was born to a royal family and from an early age he showed the signs of being obnoxious. His first words when he was a baby were obscene insults and he loved to troll people. For him the world was meant to be a place of fun and memes. He became very popular on the internet for his politically incorrect journalism and triggering many special snowflakes. His parents did not take well to his infamy on the internet and they all but disowned him for his obnoxious behavior, but that didn't stop him from doing what he believed was his calling. After countless instances of triggering special snowflakes and going to college campuses crusading for free speech, His Majesty was branded the super villain of the internet. it wasn't too long after that his Quirk manifested and he discovered that he had the ability to turn memes into weapons and with that he took his villainy to the next level in relining against PC culture. He is currently wanted for harassment by disagreeing with certain people's opinions and is also wanted for killing characters of female gamers while playing Call of Duty. He is His Majesty and he is the king of the meme. Motive for Villainy: He is constantly triggering sensitive people and refuses to pay taxes. He insults politicians and is wanted by the establishment for political incorrectness. Quirk: Meme Blast - Emission His Majesty can fire off internet memes from his hands at foes, think of them as explosive images that will blow up upon contact. He simply has to imagine the meme in his head and then fire it out of his hand. The size and power of the meme and it's explosion is determined by how much energy he puts into the it. Finally he can also just make the meme a floating image and not have it explode. Weakness: Aside from his power he is basically a normal human, a fabulous and deplorable one at that. The more power he charges it with the more fatigue he will feel if he does too recklessly. Also the less ridiculous the meme the more weaker it is regardless of how much power he puts into it. The meme requires concentration to create so if he can't focus his mind then his power will falter and it becomes very hard to create an explosive meme. Talents: Professional Rebel Comedy Journalist Inventory: his only weapon is a gold scepter [hider=scepter][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Scepter_of_Tsar_Boris_III.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]