[@thewizardguy][@supertinyking][@gentlemanvaultboy][@tyki] Damien caught himself falling forward onto his hands after the servant of chaos had departed. The strain on his mind had been stronger than he had realized, and now that the storm of emotions was gone, he realized how much energy he had been spending. "I'm alright." He waved off the others and pushed himself back up. "That abhorrent creature was the bane of my existence. I am much relieved that it is gone." Damien gathered his wits and looked at his ally. "It was very wise of you to refuse it, my lord devil. The forces of chaos are never to be trusted, for they are fickle and estranged to any form of honor. Perhaps it was attracted to whatever mysterious power lies here, but it just as well might have eaten us and used our flesh to make a quilt rather than remember why it had come." Damien pressed a hand to his head is if he was suffering a hangover. After that strain, he needed sleep, but he didn't want to admit such a weakness. "Lord Asmodeus, I will press on." Even though he had dismissed what the strange knight had said as jibberish, Damien's thoughts still dwelt on it. Something about the end of the realm, and a vampire puppet. He scoffed. He was sure he could handle any old vampire. Why, he was a powerful necromancer, of course! Besides, he could surely use another undead minion now that his wraith had been destroyed. If only vampires weren't so pathetic in broad daylight... At present, there was the matter of this soulless girl that was still with them. Damien was a young looking man, no older than his early 20's, yet he looked withered in spirit. Dark magic surrounded and flowed through him, creating an aura that would drive most innocent life away. Keeping himself close by Ozo, who had recently protected him, Damien beheld the girl with extreme distrust. Why hadn't she done him the favor of also vanishing? He leered at her, finding the closeness of a female disturbing.