[hider=Seven] [center][h1][color=FF4500]Seven[/color][/h1] [IMG]http://25.media.tumblr.com/a2067242ce53782046ae83a45392aa0c/tumblr_mg3whdHxbP1qd7m1so1_500.gif[/IMG] [b]"I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul."[/b] -[b][i]William Ernest Henry[/i][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6FkH48kgTU]The Future - Mystery Skulls[/url] [/center] [hr] | [color=FF4500][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Project "Kaissa Applied": Soldier #7 | [color=FF4500][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | Sev | [color=FF4500][b]Alias[/b][/color] | N/A | [color=FF4500][b]Age[/b][/color] | 44, but has only been operational for about 3 months. | [color=FF4500][b]Species[/b][/color] | Synthetic Intelligence | [color=FF4500][b]Gender[/b][/color] | N/A | [color=FF4500][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Asexual | [color=FF4500][b]Alignment[/b][/color] | True Neutral | [color=FF4500][b]In-Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Seven, despite its inorganic nature, bears a fairly humanoid shape. Its chassis holds a gun-metal grey tinge, with exposed synthetic muscle wrapping around its chest, arms and legs. The robot looks as if a sculpture was given life, every twitch and twinge of well defined muscle eerily human-like in its appearance. The frame of the A.I. is scratched and slightly dented, showing signs of its 40 something years of existence. Seven looms at a solid 6'0', but its imposing stature does not belay the curiously playful look in the robot's amber eyes. It hasn't had especial use for clothes in its brief operating time, but Seven has been provided a set of clothes to better help the robot blend into human society. The blue coat and hoodie combined it wears with brown pants and work boots do make Seven seem less intimidating, but not by any measurable amount. Seven doesn't really care much for clothes, but it has been reminded a number of times that humans find its nakedness 'off-putting' and 'indecent'. [url=https://grizzlybomb.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/the-prototype-2013-movie-image.jpg]Example here[/url]. | [color=FF4500][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | [b]Robotic Physiology:[/b] As a synthetic life-form, Seven has no need to breathe, eat, sleep, or perform other basic biological functions. Seven's chassis is also much more durable than that of humans, made out of titanium alloy that can and has taken quite a bit of punishment in the past. Its speed and strength are only slightly above that of a human in peak condition, capable of lifting 1 ton and moving at 35 mph. [b]Learning Algorithm:[/b] Unlike other, more simplistic programs, Seven contains within it the unique software that allows him to learn and adapt to his surroundings. This algorithm allows Seven a eidietic memory, presenting it with perfect recall of information already learned. Given time and experience, Seven will be able to grow and learn as humans do. Given enough social interaction, Seven might even eventually be able to develop a personality wholly individual to itself, instead of the rudimentary [i]'serve, survive, and learn protocols'[/i] it has currently. [b]Technological Assimilation:[/b] Seven is able to take a piece of technology and assimilate both its hardware and software into its operating unit. Once incorporated into the unit, Seven can freely use and reproduce the technology as it was intended to be used through a system of nanite reconstruction. If it assimilated a cellphone, it could make calls and connect to the internet. If it incorporated a gun, Seven could fire it with the limited number of rounds the weapon had in it. Current Machines: [list] [*] Cellphone: Connects to the World Wide Web. Capable of texting, calling, and otherwise communicating with others who have access to the internet [/list] | [color=FF4500][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | This assimilation ability is strictly limited to technological tools or weapons, and only objects one could conceivably fit into a vaguely humanoid sized figure. For example, Seven could easily assimilate a cellphone as it is a compact piece of equipment, but it could not incorporate a car into its unit. Seven has to be able to touch the technology in order to assimilate it. Seven's Assimilation ability risks overheating the unit. The more complex the piece of machinery and the longer Seven attempts to use it, the more heat is generated inside the unit's chassis. If Seven overheats, it will vent the excess heat in a process that takes about a minute to complete. During this venting period, Seven can only preform rudimentary functions and places its survival above anyone else. Seven also lacks the distinctly human characteristics of duplicity and subtlety, oftentimes only using its amazing abilities in an alarmingly straightforward way. It is motivated to achieve its goals in the most efficient way possible. Ask it to untie a knot, it will cut the knot in half. Ask it to disarm a combatant, and Seven might take those orders a bit too literally. | [color=FF4500][b]Equipment[/b][/color] | A hoodie given to him so that he might better hide his synthetic characteristics and repair kit to perform basic maintenance. | [color=FF4500][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Soldier Seven has only one remaining directive, one shred of code that drives its continual existence: learn. A boundless curiosity consumes the robot's every waking moment, and the synthetic intelligence has an almost child-like wonder to it when it discovers something new. For all its love of discovery and understanding, Seven still only has a rudimentary understanding of social interaction. It can often say the wrong thing at the wrong time, or ask a pointed question that unknowingly cuts through the barrier of social politeness. Morality also remains a point of contention that Seven doesn't quite grasp. It understands lawfulness and unlawfulness, but hasn't yet quite grasped the more nuanced aspects of good and evil or the emotional components that play into decision making. Seven knows it should help organic life, but still requires guidance on when its help is merited and when punishment should be dealt to those who deserve it. | [color=FF4500][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Moscow, Russia | [color=FF4500][b]Family[/b][/color] | Georgy Adelson-Velsky (Creator, deceased) Soldiers 1-6 (Brothers, deceased, lost, or otherwise deactivated) | [color=FF4500][b]History[/b][/color] | The 1980s were a time of paralyzing fear and desperate invention. The Metahuman Cold War was in full swing, and every nation under the sun was toiling to create the next big mechanism of war. A weapon to end the fight before it began or a warrior that could carry a nation to victory. Soldier Seven was intended to be both. The Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow, Russia would be Seven's birthplace, and Georgy Adelson-Velsky would be the father who forced Seven into being. Brought onto the Soviet's radar after the success of his Kaissa chess computer program, Georgy was recruited with a number of other Soviet scientists to create for them the perfect killing machine. The project, codenamed "Kaissa Applied", was given unlimited funding and access to rare and previously unknown materials in order to accomplish their governments goal. But while other scientist only saw this project as a highway to success or a science project to ensure their place in the history books, Georgy saw an opportunity amidst the ambition. He saw the "Kaissa Applied" project as a chance, perhaps his only chance, to push the bounds of scientific thought; to create not a dealer of death, but a living, thinking machine. Utilizing his computational genius, his fellow scientists, and the near-endless resources of an incensed Soviet Russia, Georgy set to work to create what would become the world's first artificial intelligence. It took six failures and six years to find the success that would be Soldier Seven. Not only did Georgy invent a machine capable of intelligent thought and adaptive thinking, but the Soviet's meta-geniuses managed to create a chassis capable of protecting the computer-scientist's legacy. Harder than steel, containing a ruthless intelligence, and bearing an almost impossible ability to incorporate technology into its system, Russia had gotten exactly what they wanted. A perfect, relentless killing machine. Georgy, however, couldn't stand to think of his creation being used to tear families apart and raze whole cities to the ground. He had so much more imagined for his wondrous invention beyond being a tool for the machinations of would-be conquers. In the dead of night the scientist and his creation stole away, running to Georgy's colleagues in Chernobyl. From there, the scientist planned to contact the Powerbound Alliance, turning traitor if it meant his legacy would become more than that of a weapons creator. 1986 turned out to be a bad year for both Georgy and Chernobyl. It took one wayward nuclear disaster and the following death of his creator, and Seven was left lost, deactivated in an irradiated Chernobyl. 38 years later, and the Powerbound alliance was sweeping Chernobyl in its latest attempt to cleanse the area of the radiation which still poisoned it. A cleaning effort near the reactor revealed Seven, buried under a pile of slag in what would have been its tomb. The Alliance recovered the robot, activating it to find Seven half-mad and malfunctioning to an extreme degree. Three months of intensive repair by some of the world's top minds, and only two things became apparent. Seven's abilities of assimilation, and its status as a burgeoning artificial intelligence. Given its unique position, unknown history, and wide gaps in both knowledge and application, the Powerbound Alliance made the decision to treat Seven as metahuman; sending to where all metahumans went to learn and train. With the eyes of the Alliance watching its development with intense interest, Seven has been tasked to head to Powerbound Academy in Northern Oregon. Here, it will learn and grow with the rest of this world's youngest metas, perhaps even finding a new primary directive along the way. | [color=FF4500][b]Extra[/b][/color] | Seven is fluent in Russian, English, and Computer Code. It speaks all human languages in a slightly strange way, sounding far too formal and forgoing slang in favor of otherwise outdated words. [sub]Face Claim: The Prototype Robot from the trailer [i]The Prototype[/i].[/sub] [/hider] So, if you guys are still accepting, I'd love to toss my hat into the ring for potential applicants. I know it was stated that playing a Synthetic required a good amount of detail in regards to history and backstory. Hope I've met those requirements, but if not I'm more than willing to work with y'all to make sure everything is up to your standards. I would just love to roleplay a Artificial Intelligence's struggles with learning about humanity, becoming both more and less human in the process. It just brings about so much potential for touching, comedic, and tragic moments that gets the writer in me revved and rearing to go. Let me know what you think, or if there is a spot available!