GLORIOUS SALVATION [hider=Julia Wilhelm] Age: 18 [img][/img] Julia's hair varies in shade from bright blue to pure white, depending on how recently she's healed. Using her healing power drains the color from her hair, which gains it's pigment back over the following week. Power: Julia is virtually unkillable. Her body is three times as dense, and as strong, as a normal human's, which is coupled by an unmatched Healing Factor, strong enough to bring her back to life as long as most of her body is together. Bio: Julia spent the first 8 years of her life living happily with her parents, until they were killed by a gas explosion at their house. Julia survived thanks to her powers, but spent the next 3 years in foster care and the following 7 living on the streets. She was discovered by someone in Julius' network, and brought to the school. Personality: Julia tries her best not to become attached to anyone else, but sometimes finds it difficult due to her underlying personality. She is extremely emotional and sometimes prone to outbursts, though she would never raise a hand against someone who didn't attack her or her friends. [/hider] [hider=Gloria Miles] Age: 17 Appearance: [img][/img] Power: Gloria can change her appearance, either with or without a 'template'. She can make herself look like anyone else, down to physical oddities (such as wings or a tail), however she will not gain powers that stem from such oddities, such as flight. Her transformations can take anywhere from a couple of seconds to more than a minute, depending on how complex it is. The power also extends to other changes, such as vocal patterns and physical disabilities, though she can choose not to take these. Gloria can also 'resonate' with someone, allowing her to perfect her copy and also acting as a sort of short range telepathy. Bio: Until the age of 7, Gloria has no memory of her life. She first remembers waking up in a foster home for children with powers. at 17, some of her abilities began to cause her headaches, so she was sent to Julius' school. Personality: Gloria is extremely active and accepting, very rarely finding someone she doesn't like. She seems perpetualy happy, and her typical form of greeting among friends is a hug. [/hider]