[center][@Tyki][@supertinyking][@Wraithblade6][/center] Firebrand tried to put on a brave front after what had just happened, but only made it to the end of Damien's praise before dropping like a freshly severed limb. He managed to land on his feet, but his knees buckled and he collapsed forward onto him hands on the ground. He felt wet all over. He rubbed a hand across his forehead, assuming it would come back covered in blood that was now oozing from his skin in some sort of revenge for his violent rejection. Instead he found something much rarer. Sweat wasn't normally something that happened to a demon of fire. In a way he wished it was blood. It would have been more reassuring. The old demon rose back to his feet, pondering the meaning behind the departing gods words. A vampire puppet. That was troubling. Vampires were a high class of devil. Members of that race made up one of the greater demon worlds seven noble families, and were an extremely prideful lot. If one of them had been reduced to a mere puppet... He shook his head, and finally caught sight of the new arrival. He stepped over to her, a little shakily at first, and looked her over. He hadn't seen anyone else from the air yesterday, but that didn't mean anything for someone human sized. She could have been in one of the buildings, a grove of trees, or simply so far away as to be beyond his sight. "You a native?" He asked.