[hider=PENHEVA MAGYTH] [b]Name:[/b] Penheva Magyth [b]Species:[/b] [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/5/51/Vuvrian_UAA.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20061029081826]Vuvrian[/url] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Appearance:[/b] The folk of Vurdon Ka are notoriously fragile, long limbed, and thinly stemmed in their physiques; Penheva no exception. She stands a sylphish six foot-five (Two meters in more accepted measurements) which is itself entirely unremarkable for her ilk, oblonged head dappled with an asymmetrical assortment of eyes varying in size and color. Of these twelve the most prominent is a vivid orange, starkly contrasted by pale green and amaranthine orbs on either side. From to toe-tip to antenna a forgivably forgettable female of the Vuvrian persuasion--up until the accident that accelerated her to the forefront of a galactic conflict. The sheer extent of her injury and disfigurement necessitates a suite of prosthetics and life support systems, many of which are incorporated into the hoverchair she predominantly occupies. Though moving under her own volition is not beyond her the task itself never-the-less subjects the budding sith to monumental physical strain. [b]Occupation:[/b] Sith Acolyte / Former Merchant [b]Teacher:[/b] Woldgarm Gul A sagely Thisspiasian of uncharacteristically genial disposition for someone aligning themselves with the Sith. More grey than dark he sees the Jedi as the aggressors in this and prior conflicts, feeling the pragmatic teachings of the 'so-called' dark side have been forced to their extremes due to a precedent of persecution. Coerced into saving Penheva's life upon feeling her strong force sensitivity and potential he has taken ownership of it, the opportunity taken to remold her during a continued recovery. [b]EQUIPMENT[/b] [u]Life Support System -[/u] A black, semi-spherical contraption that hovers clumsily over uneven terrain. Regulates and monitors many bodily functions but serves chiefly to mitigate the ever-present agony that would otherwise cripple its occupant. [u]Modular Helmet -[/u] A functional if frightening cludge of military and medical monitoring equipment purpose made to fit Penheva's peregrine peepers. A dirty dozen of meticulous monocles working in concert to construct a comprehensive image of her surroundings from sight, sound and several senses unfamiliar. In some ways it still falls short of the sensitivity flayed from her in the accident and in other ways it exceeds it, in her own words 'it's like looking at the world through someone else'. [u]Forbearance -[/u] A custom slugthrower built piecemeal with the sort of selective nature most force-inclined reserve for lightsabers. Sturdy and reliable this long gun has a respectable rate of fire, revolving cylinder and out ranges any blaster available on the open market. Able to chamber explosive, incendiary or less-than-lethal mercy rounds the material nature of these munitions make them much more difficult to deflect that a searing bolt of light. In short, Jedi were in its sights long before it was finished. [b]LIGHTSABER[/b] [u]Succor -[/u] A small broad bladed blue affair that barely runs the breadth of an open hand, though she would sooner surrender than bring it to bear against an able bodied opponent. Rather than residing on a belt this simple saber has a place of prominence upon her rifle as a bayonet. [b]Abilities[/b] Lightsaber Mastery: 1 Healing/Torture: 10 Force Mastery: 1 [b]Lightsaber Form:[/b] Soresu [b]Other Skills: [/b] + Savvy Merchant and negotiator + Persuasive Speaker + Educated + Mechanically Inclined + Connections: Vuvrian Relief Organizations [b]Personality:[/b] At current several strong emotions vie for dominance within Penheva, a result of her own attempts to reconcile a desire for vindication against the pacifism that has been ingrained in her. This discordance has proved a boon to her master, allowing him to guide her down darker paths with little urging. She sees herself as a good and generous person greatly wronged and just in her jihad against the Jedi order, having constructed an argument strong enough to persuade herself. This enmity extents itself to their allies and sympathizers with a victim's fervor, precious little mercy for those that would deny this vengeful Vuvrian the reprisal that is hers by right. Ironically it was her want to dismantle the order with as little bloodshed as possible that saw her attain such mastery of malediction and torture, the path of least harm twisted to the cold logic of her master. Even with something so simple as a suggestion trussed with the power of the force his acolyte found herself reflexively sharing the suffering that had become her constant companion. Rather than refine her technique Woldgarm nurtured this aberrant gift from its nascency, tempered her resolve to use it and slowly sured his own defenses through exposure. Thus it is her own justification that in so doing she simply makes a misguided and reluctant few aware, [b]truly aware[/b] of the pain the Jedi order propagates. She is at her core compassionate, and perhaps this is the most dangerous detail of all. [b]HISTORY[/b] A merchant of no great renown Penheva peddled inoffensive wares within the inner-rim and delighted in the exchange of thought and culture this allowed her. Once a vibrant and outgoing jokester she was optimistic when profits were lean and charitable when there was plenty, preferring relief missions to a vacation proper. In fact it was during one of these routine non-profit runs that she would suffer at the hands of an over-eager padawan. Veering from the familiar route to respond to a distress signal she came across a disabled Thisspiasian craft adrift in space and when no reply was forthcoming over the channels steeled what little resolve she had to investigate. No sooner had she arrived than her sensitive skin was crawling with the sensation of something volatile venting into the interior at an alarming rate and the man who would become her master contacted her over the ship's intercom. Trapped in a partially collapsed section of the vessel Woldgarm would need her to help with certain repairs before it was safe for him to relocate; the majority of which she managed before a second ship blared into sensor range. A jedi by his own admission Penheva never laid so much as an eye on the padawan that carelessly authored her destruction, having only a youthful voice to ascribe to the memory. This stranger had gloated on finding his quarry--though in a subtle and sanctimonious manner--during which it became clear he intended to board. There was a frightening certainty that sunk in as she assessed the situation, outgoing communications having been low on the list of essential systems up until just that moment. Since her own ship was currently docked with the damaged vessel the only way in was cutting through the bulkhead, a dangerous prospect considering the whole ship was set to go up like tinder. Wanting to flee but knowing full well she wouldn't reach her ship in time to relay the communicae the Vuvrian chose instead to finish the last leg of repairs and urged the unseen occupant to rush for an escape pod. Shortly after an explosion rocked the upper decks and she was engulfed in the liquid agony of rushing flames. It was a month before she awoke to more than the fleeting awareness of her ruined body and a year before she could stomach sitting up. From then it took the span of a second for her to accept the Sith's offer, he had but dangle the promise of a slight returned. [/hider]