[@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Wraithblade6][@thewizardguy][@supertinyking "N-no... some crazy lady threw me over here to deliver some rock to the middle of the island. Could someone please tell me what's going on?" Kyoko asks confusedly, having been beholden to quite A LOT of strange things over the course of the day, and to be entirely frank she looked about ready to just kinda lie down and curl up in a ball as the impact from earlier had left her clothes in shambles even if her skin was perfect. She was simultaneously quite the oddity in that she was utterly mundane, completely lacking in magic senses including the vacant nature of her soul and while she, herself was unblemished her clothes looked like she'd been thrown into a blender or more accurately sandblasted repeatedly but either way she'd somehow managed to keep her glasses completely unharmed.