Civilians weren’t the only worry, there was the soldiers of the world that would be around too. They would have to keep an eye on where they might be and whether there was any that could use some help. It was difficult trying to coordinate when the native rebel was acting like an idiot just because it was his planet. Kai hardly approved of that, they needed to act calm and this was definitely not the best way to go about it. If they were to do anything on this planet, however, it was to stay away from the possible Elite that was here, or more like guaranteed Elite because no way would this kind of attack be conducted without one. This was on devastating levels of destruction, like someone really angered a higher up and they were taking it out on the city. This was going to be the time where they would be redeemed for what they did in turn while under the command of the Saiyans, they would be able to finally do some good against their horrendous acts. The state of the city was pretty awful to say the least. The people of this planet were all particularly large, they looked like they had seen this sort of thing before in the past and weren’t strangers to it. None of them were as largely built as Leto were, but it still managed to make them an intimidating looking race. They would need help too, there was a lot of devastation everywhere and leaving them to it would just leave them looking like a typical bunch of Saiyans looking for a fight. Not wanting to go on without leaving a good impression Kai came to a stop in the air, his brother quickly stopping as well. “Hey! We should help these guys! If there’s an Elite here then it’s best we get as many people out as possible!” Viral didn’t have the time to stop by and see if people needed help, the source of the destruction had to end and he was going to be the one to do so. He had seen such a scene before, in fact he had been directly involved in a few scenes like this before. His Enki could wipe a city away in one blast and that would be the work done. Being here was bringing back awfully familiar scenarios he had been through too many times, but he was very much pushing that to the back of his mind. It wasn’t important enough to worry about, his feelings were the least important subject right now. Coming to a halt he growled a sigh and looked around, his eyes slowly gazing over the terrain. He could feel something near, something threatening approaching from somewhere. Trying to find the source he gasped when his instincts kicked in, his attention quickly going to Yumi before the area she was close to was blown apart. Barely managing to give it a good reaction the sound of someone familiar speaking brought him away from the smouldering crater and instead to the source. Immediately his gaze sharpened, his eyes focused on the man. So he was the reason for the city being the way it was, he should’ve known. He had often assumed he wasn’t going to meet this man again; it was a large galaxy, the odds had been very slim up until this point. “The fact that he would even let you out onto the field is absurd…” Soon enough it started to show that the man had reinforcements, but in the end it was hardly a surprise to Viral. From experience, the man preferred to have lackeys dealing with the dirty work. Raising his fists he growled lowly as he was quickly set upon by several soldiers, but the moment they came close he had grabbed one soldier and swung the man straight into his partners. “You think your lackeys will be able to do anything to me?? You never could handle doing the dirty work yourself!” ---- T’charrl sighed lightly, lowering his head briefly. “I wouldn’t mind being able to explore our own planet. I don’t even know a fraction of what’s out there…” he spoke, briefly looking to the tree, “I could defend myself against the wildlife out there now too. Then there’s the underground systems…y-you know, barely any of the other planets I went to were as big as ours? Yet they were so different…” He may not had been as experienced as his father but he felt he could try and gain that experience eventually himself, not just by travelling to other planets. Maybe his friends would like to see what kind of world his own was all over, especially when it wasn’t only trees and Kaesstrians. They may had been the most civilised population on the planet, but the number of other species that were stronger and larger could easily outnumber theirs if they had no protection. Luckily the trees protected them, but only if they gave them something in return. It was a complicated relationship but still one that benefitted them and had them keeping safe away from the other species that would see them killed for food. While he was curious about possibly travelling around and becoming an explorer as well he frowned when it turned out the orbs on him did bring in the attention of others without them wanting to ask him about it, making him feel rather embarrassed now. He wondered how the other people who were out and about thought about them, like whether they thought they were some sort of attached jewellery or ritual marks. “O-Oh…I guess he could, I mean…sure, he should probably…” he spoke lightly, raising his shoulder a bit, “Now I just want to hide them…” Looking to Haku he stared at him for a moment before looking to his father briefly. “Oh, see more of the world? Uhhh, it would be nice if I don’t even up being busy. Your scouter may be able to help with our language, but the energy of my planet blocks its other functions so you might get lost without a guide”. Looking back to his father he soon followed after, glancing up at the tree momentarily. “Huh? Oh…right, my old self…” he spoke before he sighed, “I don’t want to end up killing the spirit, though…or losing my abilities altogether. It’d be if I lost my sight…” ---- Shu squeaked when Takeshi tried to grab hold of his tail, pulling it away before hissing at him. He didn’t exactly have a lot of resistance in his tail yet and definitely didn’t want it being touched, even if it was Takeshi who was doing it. The whole wrestling thing sounded kind of fun either way, if he was able to have any part in it at least. Staring at Takeshi as he talked about games he looked to Ricken when he put his claims down, frowning a little. It didn’t sound like it was something to have fun with as he went on with all this technical jargon he didn’t really understand. The concept of funds and money was pretty lost on Shu still, he couldn’t even count time. He wanted to have fun, but those two were really making it difficult to feel it when they seemed to argue a lot. Not knowing where their argument was going he looked to Sasha as she instead took hold of him, looking up at her before to where they were going. It was a curious display to him, he hadn’t seen such strange contraptions before and did wonder what you were supposed to do with them, his eyes searching over the strange devices before looking to Sasha as she helped him out with the game’s purpose and goal. It sounded a little complicated, he couldn’t count something like points if they all added up but he wasn’t stupid enough to not know how many balls he had left when given to him. “Ooh! Throw and hit stuff? Sound good, I wanna try!” he spoke, bouncing on his toes a little before abruptly stopping again, “What you get if you do good? What do I need to get? Are you able to count? I might miss stuff, no sure how good at the aiming I be...”